20151219。安特衛普聖誕市集 Antwerpen Christmas Market

逛了幾年的德國聖誕市集,今年心血來潮,決定去比利時的安特衛普逛聖誕市集。今年的聖誕氣氛多少有受到巴黎事件的影響,但過節的心情還是有的。這回碰巧遇到安特衛普市政府建築的450週年慶,順道在市集廣場上欣賞了段燈光秀,算是意外收穫。 [NL] Afgelopen jaren zijn we alleen bij Duitse kerstmarket geweest. Dit jaar gingen we naar Antwerpen om de Belgische kerstsfeer te genieten. Toen we bij de Grote Markt kwamen, wisten we pas dat er een feest is voor 450 jaar bestaat van het stadhuis van Antwerpen. Dus we zijn ook verrast door een lichtshow…

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【荷比德趴趴走】13-07。比利時納慕爾城堡 Citadel of Namur, Belgium

來到這次荷比德趴趴走的最後一輯了。我們沿著默茲河從列日往納慕爾。納慕爾位於比利時中南部、布魯塞爾的東南部,是比利時法語區的首府,也是個歷史悠久的城鎮。納慕爾城堡盤踞在默茲河及其支流桑布爾河匯合處的山頭上,更是默茲河河流域上的重要軍事要塞。 The Citadel or Castle of Namur was the last stop of our trip with my classmate from Taiwan. Namur in French, or Namen in Dutch, is a city at southern Belgium, the capital of Wallonia. The Citadel of Namur is a fortress at the confluence of the Sambre and Meuse rivers and has held…

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【荷比德趴趴走】13-07。荷比德三國交界點、比利時默兹河船閘 Tripoint of NL/BE/DE & Sluis nearby Tihange, Belgium

星期天,也就是帶著小羲趴趴走的最後一天,我們早晨從阿亨出發,先到鄰近的荷比德三國交界點,然後沿著默茲河往布魯塞爾。途中在列日附近的船閘休息、看貨船經過船閘,再到納慕爾堡壘賞景、用午餐。 Sunday morning, we departed from Aachen to Brussels. On the way, we visited the tripoint of NL/BE/DE, the sluis of Maas River nearby Tihange, Liege and the Castle of Namur.

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【荷比德趴趴走】12-07。德國阿亨 Aachen, Germany (2)

我們在繞著阿亨大教堂逛了一圈後,就開始逐家逐戶地就找德國豬腳。當然,最後不是所望,吃到超讚的豬腳,飯後還賞了一大圈夜景,才會酒店休息。 When the night came, beside enjoying the beauty of the city, we started to look for typical Germans cuisine, Schweinshaxe or roasted ham hock.

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【荷比德趴趴走】12-07。德國阿亨 Aachen, Germany (1)

離開科隆後,我們直奔阿亨,並在這裡過夜。同時選擇科隆和阿亨為這次小旅行的目的地,只要是想把兩座迥然不同的大教堂介紹給小羲。 After visiting Kölner Dom at Cologne, we went to Aachen. We’ve selected these two cities with a main purpose: showing two totally different doms to our friends.

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