20160109。阿姆斯特丹光藝節 Amsterdam Light Festival 2015-2016

一年一度的阿姆斯特丹光藝節又來了。今年的主題是“友誼”,跟往年一樣,有兩條路線:Water Colors和Illuminade。Water Colors為遊船路線,沿著運河佈置的光藝作品,較大型,有的需要坐船遊運河才能欣賞到精華。Illuminade為步行區,很集中,但展期較短。因為兩年都沒做到遊船,這次趁Groupon上有賣Amsterdam Boart Experience船票,兩人90分鐘,只需39歐元,而且能網路上定位,於是洋洋灑灑地買票定位,出發前才發現Illuminade的展期已經結束了。但沒關係,既來之則安之,隨緣吧! [NL] Het is alweer het Amterdam Light Festival en het thema van de editie 2015-2016 is “friendship”. Zoals andere edities, er zijn twee routes om het festival te genieten: Water Colors en Illuminade. Water Colors is een vaarroute, waar de befaamde 17de-eeuwse grachten het decor vormt en die het best per boot te…

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20140419。荷蘭一日遊 One day trip in Holland (1) Eindhoven – Amsterdam – Keukenhof – Zaanse Schans

有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎?奧地利的舊同事,趁著復活節假期,來荷蘭玩三天。我們就當了他們次日旅程的地導,帶他們到鬱金香花園,贊斯安斯風車村,北荷蘭省的內海和長堤走走。 To welcome my ex-collegue from Austria, we have organised an one day trip in Holland, to visit the Keukenhof and the Zaanse Schans, and also to visit the sea and dam, to get some ideas how the watermanagement works in Holland.

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02-01。夜遊阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam Light Festival

在慵懶的狀態中,從2013年跨到2014年了!聽說阿姆斯特丹有類似Eindhoven Glow的Amsterdam Light Festival節慶,就來個即興的夜遊阿姆斯特丹。 Similar to Eindhoven Glow, there’s Light Festival in Amsterdam every year from December to January. This’s why we decided to visit Amsterdam in the evening, to see how’s the Light Festival been organised in another city.

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