【18台馬澳】20180123。高雄美麗島站—中央公園 Formosa Boulevard Station – Kaohsiung Central Park

買好下午三點四十分往紅毛港文化園區的船票,我們決定在飯店用了早餐後,開始步行到駁二碼頭去坐船。途中去了美麗島站重溫”光之穹頂”的艷麗、穿過中央公園欣賞這城市的綠地、在城市光廊旁誤闖到周董的JCAFE。在JCAFE午休後,繼續路程,經過輕軌真愛碼頭站後,就在駁二附近瞎逛、等待出發去紅毛港。這輯分享從飯店經美麗島站到中央公園的照片。 The highlight of this day was visiting Hongmaogang Cultural Park. We have booked the ticket of 15:40pm, departing from Pier-2 by boat. Therefore, we decided to walk from our hotel to Pier-2. We went through the Formosa Boulevard MRT station to visit its “Dome of Light”, the largest glass work in the world. Then, we walked…

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【環島逍遙遊】12-08。高雄-愛河夜景-美麗島站 GaoXiong – Love River – Dome of Light

來到高雄,當然不能錯過愛河的夜景。回到高雄市,我們先上壽山忠烈祠那裡鳥瞰市景,然後回到愛河賞夜景,最後在捷運美麗島站為豐碩的一天劃上句號。 The night scene at the Love River (wikipedia) is what you can’t miss in your journey in GaoXiong. After KenDing tour, we went to ShouShan to have a bird view of GaoXiong city. Then we turned back to the Love River to have our dinner and enjoy beautiful scenery. At last, we finished our…

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