20191112。恩荷芬光藝節 GLOW Eindhoven 2019 (1)

恩荷芬光藝節又到了!今年是第十四屆,我第十次捧場。跟往年不同,今年選擇一個人走一圈,懷念以往有人耐心在旁等待,如今只能伴在心裡、自己往前走。無論如何,照片還是沒有少,來看看照片吧! It’s 14th GLOW in Eindhoven, and my 10th visiting to this light festival. This time, I miss the one who has accompanied me for years. However, I’m still able to catch a lot of photos and here’re the sharings.

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20160109。阿姆斯特丹光藝節 Amsterdam Light Festival 2015-2016

一年一度的阿姆斯特丹光藝節又來了。今年的主題是“友誼”,跟往年一樣,有兩條路線:Water Colors和Illuminade。Water Colors為遊船路線,沿著運河佈置的光藝作品,較大型,有的需要坐船遊運河才能欣賞到精華。Illuminade為步行區,很集中,但展期較短。因為兩年都沒做到遊船,這次趁Groupon上有賣Amsterdam Boart Experience船票,兩人90分鐘,只需39歐元,而且能網路上定位,於是洋洋灑灑地買票定位,出發前才發現Illuminade的展期已經結束了。但沒關係,既來之則安之,隨緣吧! [NL] Het is alweer het Amterdam Light Festival en het thema van de editie 2015-2016 is “friendship”. Zoals andere edities, er zijn twee routes om het festival te genieten: Water Colors en Illuminade. Water Colors is een vaarroute, waar de befaamde 17de-eeuwse grachten het decor vormt en die het best per boot te…

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20150101。新年遊園賞燈 China Light Utrecht at de Uithof, Utrecht

在慶祝元旦的當兒,我們到烏特勒支欣賞中國花燈(官方網頁:點此)。這些來自四川自貢的大型花燈,照亮了烏特勒支大學的植物園區,吸引了非常多民眾來遊園。看了許多朋友分享的照片,我也興致勃勃,於是約了家公家婆一起去賞燈,順便讓兩老近距離接觸下花燈文化。 Chinese people celebrate the Lantern Festival at the first full moon of a Chinese new year. China Light Utrecht is an Chinese light festival that has been organised at the Botanic Gardens in de Uithof/Utrecht University (Official website: click here). I have been attracted by the photos of many friends, and decided to visit…

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20141111。恩荷芬光藝節 (1) Eindhoven GLOW Tour

第九屆恩荷芬光藝節來了。這次的主題是“動感城市”。這輯分享的是GLOW Tour的照片,主要是在市區內的某些主題建築上或區域內用光影配搭聲樂,讓城市增添嫵媚的姿彩。 Once a year, there’s GLOW – the light art festival at Eindhoven. The theme of this year, the ninth edition is ‘City in Motion’. These’re the photo’s of the GLOW Tour, the shows at the city centre.

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02-01。夜遊阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam Light Festival

在慵懶的狀態中,從2013年跨到2014年了!聽說阿姆斯特丹有類似Eindhoven Glow的Amsterdam Light Festival節慶,就來個即興的夜遊阿姆斯特丹。 Similar to Eindhoven Glow, there’s Light Festival in Amsterdam every year from December to January. This’s why we decided to visit Amsterdam in the evening, to see how’s the Light Festival been organised in another city.

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