【Barcelona】20150417。巴塞羅納 Barcelona Day 3

第三天,我們來個“高迪之日”,一口氣參觀了高迪的三處傑作:聖家堂、米拉之家和奎爾公園。走完三個點,我們提早回酒店養精蓄銳,準備應付第四天同樣緊湊的活動。 Our third day at Barcelona was a day of Antoni Gaudí. We have visited La Sagrada Familia, Casa Milà and Park Güell, three UNESCO World Heritages of him in one day.

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【Barcelona】20150417。童話般的奎爾公園 Park Güell (1)

建築家高迪有七個作品被列入世界文化遺產,包括這童話般的奎爾公園。奎爾公園是高迪的摯友奎爾伯爵失敗的開發計劃,這依山而建的公園完成後,周邊待售的六十片地皮卻始終沒有買家。當時的樣板屋則被高迪買下居住,也就是現為博物館的高迪之家。(參考官網) The Park Güell is one of the seven works of Antoni Gaudí that listed as UNESCO World Heritage. It’s part of an unsuccessful commercial housing site. Although the Park Güell had a beautiful views and designs, but the 60 lots for luxury houses couldn’t been sold. Gaudí had bought one of the two sample…

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