【China。七彩雲南】20140728。香格里拉壇城廣場 Tancheng Square, Shangri-La

下午三點,到了香格里拉市的酒店後,就是自由活動的時間了。我們三個都忙著補眠,下午五點多才出門覓食,因在酒店附近找不到合心意的餐廳,最後打的到市中心的壇城廣場一帶覓食,順便走走。在這海拔3,300米的地方,幸運的是,我們都沒什麽高原反應,就是晚上比較難以入眠。 15pm, we arrived our hotel at Shangri-La. After a short sleep, we began to look for dinner in the neighbourhood of our hotel, but finally we went to the city center to have KFC. Then we had a walk around the Tancheng Square before sunset. Luckily, we didn’t feel uncomfortable at the altitude of…

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