08-06。德屬弗里西亞群島 Ostfriesland, DE (3) Emden to Witmund

在Emden逛了一圈後,已經是下午兩點多了。我們選擇幾個有渡輪往弗里西亞群島的點,去看看次日往各個小島的時間表。然後就到Wittmund的酒店check-in。 It’s already 14pm after our short tour at Emden. We decided to go to some points at the coast to check the ferry schedule to the Wadden Islands for the next day. Then we went to Wittmund to check-in at Ringhotel.

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20140419。荷蘭一日遊 One day trip in Holland (1) Eindhoven – Amsterdam – Keukenhof – Zaanse Schans

有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎?奧地利的舊同事,趁著復活節假期,來荷蘭玩三天。我們就當了他們次日旅程的地導,帶他們到鬱金香花園,贊斯安斯風車村,北荷蘭省的內海和長堤走走。 To welcome my ex-collegue from Austria, we have organised an one day trip in Holland, to visit the Keukenhof and the Zaanse Schans, and also to visit the sea and dam, to get some ideas how the watermanagement works in Holland.

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20140419。贊斯安斯風車村Zaanse Schans

荷蘭有兩個遠近馳名的風車群:南荷蘭省的小孩提防和北荷蘭省的贊斯安斯。這次一日遊的路徑都安排在阿姆斯特丹的周邊,於是選擇了把贊斯安斯介紹給奧地利的朋友。 In the Netherlands, there are two famaus windmill areas : Kinderdijk in South Holland province and Zaanse Schans in North Holland provice. We have chosen to introduce the Zaanse Schans to our guests from Austria.

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08-03。荷德一日遊 (1) Eindhoven – Ruurlo – Lobith/Tolkamer

趁週末好天氣,我們帶著從台灣來的美眉,來個荷德一日遊,主攻荷蘭東部Ruurlo的仙人掌綠洲及萊茵河從德國進入荷蘭那一帶的城鎮。 Just don’t want to waste the beautiful weather in early spring, we took an one-day-trip to visit the Cactus Oase Family Park in Ruurlo and the cities around the area where the Rhein enters the Netherlands.

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