01-03。恩荷芬嘉年華遊行 Carnaval Parade in Eindhoven, Lampegatseoptocht (1)

好幾年沒去看嘉年華遊行了。今年趁著有興致,揹著相機去市區狂拍一回。照片很多,用手機瀏覽的朋友,請慎入! Today, there’re carnaval celebration at downtown of Eindhoven. These are the photo’s of the carnaval parade, the Lampegatseoptocht. Please be aware of heavy data loading if you’re using handphone to review them.

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02-01。夜遊阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam Light Festival

在慵懶的狀態中,從2013年跨到2014年了!聽說阿姆斯特丹有類似Eindhoven Glow的Amsterdam Light Festival節慶,就來個即興的夜遊阿姆斯特丹。 Similar to Eindhoven Glow, there’s Light Festival in Amsterdam every year from December to January. This’s why we decided to visit Amsterdam in the evening, to see how’s the Light Festival been organised in another city.

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