【Vietnam】20160704。吉隆坡-河內 Kuala Lumpur to Hanoi

今年暑假的重頭戲:越南河內十日遊。除了巴特,這次同行的還有大妹和小妹,從吉隆坡坐亞航飛往河內,再從河內到下龍灣、陸龍灣和沙壩梯田,享受了精彩又輕鬆的旅行。 [NL] Deze zomer zijn we naar Vietnam geweest op vakantie. Samen met mijn twee zussen hebben we binnen tien dagen Hanoi, Halong Bay, Trang An en Sapa bezocht, en een mooi reisje gehad in een ontzettend mooi land. [EN] During this summer holiday, we went to Vietnam for a 10 days trip with my…

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【China。七彩雲南】20140721。吉隆坡-昆明 Kuala Lumpur to Kunming

7月21日星期一下午13:05pm,我們乘坐亞洲航空的班機,從吉隆坡第二國際機場klia2飛往昆明,開始我們十二天的七彩雲南行。 On July 21st, our 12 days journey to Yunnan province of China began.  We took the AirAsia flight at 13:05 pm, from Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2 (klia2) to Kunming, the capital of Yunnan province.

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【14夏】20140719。啟程 Paris – Kuala Lumpur

從巴黎飛吉隆坡的班機,我們劃不到連座,也沒靠窗的位子了。幸運的是,靠窗的小姐竟然想靠走廊的,所以,我們就歡歡喜喜地換了位子,也讓我在這次全程天氣奇好的條件下拍了不少漂亮的高空照片。到了吉隆坡後,我們沒有太多的活動,因為次日又得繼續飛向七彩雲南了。 From Paris to Kuala Lumpur, we couldn’t have our seats together and both of us didn’t get a window seat. Fortunately, I could exchange my seat with Sharon who prefer to sit nearby airle. This gave me a great chance to make beautiful pictures on the way. After arriving Kuala Lumpur, we didn’t have…

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