~回憶錄~ 新竹行 3 Replies 第三天,我們到新竹去探望訇青一家。訇青是我遠嫁到台灣來的馬來西亞好友。她的先生博文在工研院上班,一家就住在清大旁的光明新村。傍晚時分,我們帶訇青的大兒子沛霖到園區的湖邊玩耍,拍下了這些可愛的照片。 沛沛很喜歡的香蕉樹。 來,笑一個 ^_* 他們之間沒有共通的語言….. 也能玩的開心自在。 來,加油,一起把這個石頭推走…… 播放心曲︰鄉間的小路
Bart 巴特 2005-03-15 at 11:20 Dianne,<br /> I could not communicate with him by words….but there was no<br /> need for that. I had so much fun…..hahahah…nice kid !<br /> <br /> Regards, Bart Reply ↓
Touching me again….
Dianne,<br />
<br />
Dianne,<br />
I could not communicate with him by words….but there was no<br />
need for that. I had so much fun…..hahahah…nice kid !<br />
<br />
Regards, Bart