
29日,在佳雯學妹的幫忙下,Susanna的”家產”終於從台北出發了 ^___* 四箱財產,總計75公斤,花了我NT3,320的運費,希望它們兩個月後能夠順利的到達巴特那里。晚上才跟Annie姐聊到家產的內容,嘻嘻,我想海關如果開了箱子檢查會昏倒,Annie則說該是巴特昏倒…….原因是︰裡面除了書本和衣服,還有湯料,鍋鏟,菜刀,滷包等等等。郵局的人問我裡面有什麼,我說,什麼都有,就搬家啦。他說,那妳能寫裡面有什麼嗎?我說,這個哦,很難哩,我就拼命的塞,根本忘記哪一箱有什麼了 >”<.........後來,List of contents就變成Personal reading books, clothes, used items(Moving)哈哈哈哈哈,很好笑吧﹗不知道這樣能不能順利過關哩?﹗ 晚上時,我就請我的搬運功臣去店裡吃飯。結果,去的正是時候(也可以說不是時候 ^_^ ),店裡忙得不可開交,後來的後來,Susanna也下手去幫忙一下。嘿嘿,好人有好報,就這樣換到免費的一餐 ^_______^




2 thoughts on “感恩。佳雯

  1. Bart

    Hello Ms. 佳雯,<br />
    I see you enjoyed the dinner! You always have fun with Susanna :-)<br />
    I ate self-made and self-designed pizza today.<br />
    hahahah…I am hungry again.<br />
    Take care ! <br />
    Regards from Bart<br />
    <br />
    <br />

  2. MiriSusanna

    Oh Bart,<br />
    <br />
    Why most of your replies are relate with food? <br />
    <br />
    I appreciated her helps and invited her for a dinner. Then, <br />
    you tell her what&#039;s you ate today. I think I shall sort a part <br />
    in this blog for your cooking experiences. I think everyone <br />
    will agree with this ^_^


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