
經過十二小時的旅程,我終於到達荷蘭了。拿著巴特的邀請函,省了移民廳的”審問”,我順利地通關了。從阿姆斯特丹回到家里,感覺好舒服。新家雖不大,卻載滿了巴特的用心。中午吃過巴特準備的麵包,我們一起去接兩個小寶貝去上游泳課。在校門口等待她們放學時,有種自己很特殊的感覺,因為黑頭髮的人並不多 ^__*兩個寶貝一出來就緊緊的抱著我,一點都不生疏,Tessa一路牽著我的手,走了好長的一段路。在短短一個小時的游泳課中,她們分心十足,不停的回頭看我,跟我打招呼。我只能請巴特叫她們專心點,不然老師一定會怪我擾亂了上課的次序。




吃過晚餐後,和她們玩了一陣,拍了蠻多照片,才把她們請上床,睡覺去 ^___^

2 thoughts on “到家了

  1. Ah Fui

    Harlo big sister,<br />
    Nice pictures… Can see that you are having a nice time there. <br />
    We feel grateful too. <br />
    Ah Ming will come to Penang this Wednesday. She will continue <br />
    her study in Biology in University of Science M&#039;sia here.<br />
    There has been none stop &#039;visitors&#039; to Penang for these 2 <br />
    months, busy weekends but joyful family visit 🙂 I&#039;m not alone <br />
    here when she is here.<br />
    AhZai is having her Winter holiday now, she is joining a <br />
    camping there. <br />
    Mum, dad and baby will be lonely soon as each of us find our <br />
    life outside Miri…. so I plan to go back in August.<br />
    <br />
    <br />

  2. janetchor

    Glad to know that things all gone well…..Enjoy your new <br />
    life !!<br />
    <br />
    The girls look pretty in their new clothes, maybe you all <br />
    should wear the Chinese clothes together and take a photo of親子<br />


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