

巴特下班回來時,第一個疑問就是︰What did you do in your blog today? I viewed two times in the afternoon. The layout was in mess …….我就知道許多人都會被我搞的頭昏腦脹,所以下午把網誌隱藏起來,閉門造車幾個小時,為的就是避免大家都懷疑是不是無名的主機出問題了,哈哈﹗



就這樣走走看看,在查理王。看世界看到一個好玩的小測驗︰What’s Your blogging Personality?我也進去玩玩看,測驗結果就是︰

Your Blogging Type is Kind and Harmonious

You’re an approachable blogger who tends to have many online friends.

People new to your blogging circle know they can count on you for support.

You tend to mediate fighting and drama. You set a cooperative tone.

You have a great eye for design – and your blog tends to be the best looking on the block!


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