*Iberia 2005* (17) Aug 4: On IBE 8166 and arrival at Faro Airport

Around 12:00, our flight departed from Madrid. This is Madrid city in photo.

We could see the Santiago Bernabeu Stadium.

We were surprised to have bread and drink. Why?? Even we flied with the same airline, we got nothing from Amsterdam to Madrid.

Enjoying bread with juice, I copied my photos to external harddisk.

Bart was reading his motor magazine, Motor73.

He showed a funny picture.

After about 40 minutes, I saw the coast line of south Iberia.

Remain flying along the coast line, our flight made a large round and going to landing.

We were appoaching Faro Airport.

The beautiful coast came nearer and nearer.

We had landed at Faro Airport.

Leaving flight, we had transit bus to terminal.

Loading luggage.

Welcome to Faro Airport.

Arrival hall.

After claimed our luggage, we started to search the meeting point for our rental car. There was a girl who spoke good English waiting us.

Bart was completing the paper work with the girl. I just walked around and took some photos.

After completed all of the documents, we followed the girl to parking area to check our car.

We passed this small exhibition corner. I was interested, but no time to take a look.

Bart was checking the car. We rented this car for a week and would be returned at Lisbon Airport. When we just wanted to start our Algarve journey, Bart found this car was without air-conditioning. Woooow, what’s bad luck. Bart didn’t book a air-conditioning car as he thought the Portugal cars should have air-condtitioner. So, we needed to drive in hot for a week !!


Are you surprise with my English writing? I was using Bart’s laptop in his office to finish these two articles. Hope you like it.

Susanna in Ingenia

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