
彩虹女神Bambolina Iris是我加入了”散落全球華人女子大聯盟”後認識的新朋友。她是白衣天使,和夫婿住在比利時,學著荷語,準備在當地找份工作。她和巴特同樣是重型機車的擁護者。認識她過後,常常在MSN上聊天,交換經驗。十一月初,收到她寄來的明信片,歡迎我的歸來。今天早上又再收到她的心意--手寫聖誕卡,好感動唷﹗

Iris,謝謝妳,dank je wel !! 妳的速度真快,趕在Sinterklaasfeest之前就給我們寄卡片了,謝謝﹗我幾個星期前就買了一堆卡片,巴特還笑我不用那麼急,這裡的郵政服務速度不慢,哈哈,還是落人後了,因為它們還乖乖的躺在我的書桌上。

2 thoughts on “30-11。謝謝Iris的手寫聖誕卡

  1. Iris

    Graag gedaan !!! hehehe, u know what, this is little bit <br />
    mistake that you received it today, because i already wrote <br />
    all the christmas card on last friday, and i asked Rudy to <br />
    help me to post the cards to overseas first, such as Hong <br />
    Kong, China, Thailand…etc, because it need to take around <br />
    at least 10 days to arrive there, but Rudy misunderstand <br />
    my meaning, and he posted all the christmas card such as <br />
    Beglium, Netherlands, Italy…etc. Thats why you received <br />
    it early 🙂 Anyway, i hope you like the card, expecially <br />
    the silver and golden color powders… when you shake it, <br />
    and your dream will come true :-p ** snowing **

  2. MiriSusanna

    Iris,<br />
    感謝Rudy的會錯意,讓我提早收到妳的心意,兩個小寶貝很高興,因為她們的<br />


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