【13夏】12-07。古城斯普利特 Split, Croatia (1)

位於克羅地亞南部的斯普利特,是座遠近馳名的古城,亦是該國的第二大城市和重要的海港(參考維基)。我們此趟把斯普利特這兒的停留時間排的太短,沒辦法出海觀光附近的群島,只參觀了有1700年歷史的古城。 Split is one of the oldest city in Croatia, with more than 1700 years history (wikipedia). Due to our short stay, we didn’t have the chance to enjoy island hopping to those islands nearby Split. We joined a bus tour to have a quick view of the city and beaches. Then we spent our…

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【13夏】11-07。民宿 Olive Garden Apartments

Olive Garden Apartments離斯普利特約三十幾公里,民宿女主人很熱情,是位老師。我們是貪便宜和清淨才選了這裡,果然不失所望。 The Oliver Garden Apartments is located about 30 km away from Split. We found this B&B  at Booking.com. It’s new and outside of city area, provides a peaceful place to relax our mind.

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