20050129。Susanna’s Home

This was Bart’s first day in Malaysia. He looked tired and excited.

這雙就是他從荷蘭帶來的木鞋,價值30歐元,相等於馬幣150,讓我爸媽咋舌 >”<~~
This’s the woodenshoe from Netherlands. It worths 30Euro, equal to RM150. My parents shocked.

還有這些餅乾和糖果 – Stroopwafel & Drops。
These ‘re the biscuits and candies.

他和我爸在看CCTV ^_*
He was watching CCTV programme with my father.

These’re my father’s honey orange. It’s special taste could not be found out of my father’s farm.

4 thoughts on “20050129。Susanna’s Home

  1. Bart

    Dianne,<br />
    This family feels good in particular because the eat Dutch<br />
    cookies, licorice and "stroopwafel".hahahah.<br />
    A pity that I cannot introduce "bitterballen" and " frikandel"<br />
    to them….they should visit me in Holland.<br />

  2. MiriSusanna

    Dianne,<br />
    <br />
    巴特第一天到我家,真的是呆呆的,完全弄不懂我們華<br />
    人的習俗。雖然之前有跟他提過重點,可是他老兄真的<br />
    沒有頭緒。還好,一切都平安過去了,我爸媽都很喜歡<br />
    他 ^___* <br />
    <br />
    妳有聽說過老爸叫女兒不要欺騙未來女婿的感情的嗎?<br />

  3. Dianne

    Ha Ha!! Tu es tres gentil, Bart!<br />
    <br />
    Susanna, 呵呵!! 感覺妳父親待人很誠懇ㄛ! 可見巴特一<br />
    定是忠厚老實的很, 不然父親不會這樣擔心啦! 哈哈~~


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