
昨天下午,湘群妹妹請我到六福客棧喝下午茶 ^___^ 其實還沒有到六福以前,心裡很期待……結果,六福客棧和六福皇宮差很多啦﹗光是菜色就差很多,不過我們還是吃了蠻多滴﹗湘群,謝謝妳哦,讓妳破費了﹗ ^_* 我們兩個人喝完下午茶後,就坐小黃去五分埔逛逛。Susanna難得給自己治裝,而且還是兩套裙子。之後我們再乘公車到捷運地下街繼續逛…….我們一共走了近五個小時的路,Susanna敗光錢包裡的兩千大圓,回來還得申請支援金,嗚~~~~~~




番茄炒飯 & 素炒蔬菜, 白切雞




湘群說這顆小番茄的形狀很特別,拍一張 ^_*

六福外,湘群 vs Susanna的影子

3 thoughts on “Farewell。湘群

  1. Bart 巴特

    Hello Xiang Qun,<br />
    <br />
    I see you enjoyed the restaurant very much!<br />
    Susanna went shopping very fanatically with you.<br />
    I am looking forward to see all her clothes.<br />
    Take care. Enjoy nice Taiwan.<br />
    Hope to meet next year again.<br />
    Bye !!!!!!!<br />
    Bart<br />

  2. ck

    Hi Mr. Bart:<br />
    <br />
    I hope I can see you next year!!!<br />
    I will miss you and Susanna always~~~^O^<br />
    Hope you and Susanna happiness~~~<br />
    of course with your lovely daughters~~^O^<br />
    I&#039;m so glad because I can make a friend with you~~<br />
    I want to tell you a big news: you are my first foreign <br />
    friend~~hahaha~~~<br />
    At the last, I hope you know what I write~~hahha~~<br />
    (P/S: My broken English~~>_<)<br />
    <br />
    Xiang Qun (Seong Kuan)

  3. Bart

    Hello Xiang Qun,<br />
    <br />
    Thanks for your reply. Susanna will be very happy here, although<br />
    I realize that she will miss you and all her friends very much.<br />
    If you are in Taiwan summer 2006, we will meet again!<br />
    Take care, have fun !<br />
    Bart<br />


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