Darling, Happy Birthday !!

今天是巴特的生日,也是美里升格為市的好日子。5月18日,就在今天我到荷蘭大使館成功的開始MVV的申請程序,一切順利,算是給巴特的生日禮物唷﹗說起來也很幸運,前不久說要改的移民法真的改了。下個月開始,要花300歐元去考試,過關後才有資格再繳500歐元申請MVV。相較之下,今天花了220歐元雖然貴,可是真的蠻幸運的,省錢省時間多了 ^_*


無論如何,今天是很開心的一天,MVV辦好,巴特又長大了(又老一歲了 *_*),還有就是 wonderful weekend is coming soon !!




4 thoughts on “Darling, Happy Birthday !!

  1. Bart 巴特

    Thanks Janet,<br />
    <br />
    I had a wonderfull day sharing with Susanna online.<br />
    She could be part of our celebrations.<br />
    It was a small party because the big one will be in June when<br />
    Susanna arrives. I am sure she will publish pictures in her blog.<br />
    Thanks again!<br />

  2. Bart 巴特

    Susanna,<br />
    <br />
    Thanks so much for sharing my party yesterday. Although you were<br />
    online in KL, you certainly were part of all fun we had at home.<br />
    And yesterday evening when I was alone at home, I put on your CD<br />
    music, that you gave me as present last year for my birthday.<br />
    Dank je wel mijn lieve schat !!!<br />
    Ik hou van jou heel veel !!!!!!<br />
    Bart<br />
    <br />
    <br />

  3. Bart

    I hope my translator is ok :<br />
    我的親愛的, 我想要請求您某事。您想要加入我對中國人和馬來西亞餐館<br />
    在6月嗎? 當所有您的朋友在將來來到荷蘭, 我們將邀請他們到馬來西亞<br />
    餐館。但我們將讓他們tast 典型的荷蘭食物也是。像frikandel,<br />
    bitterballen 和kroket 。並且當然必需荷蘭魚與聯合會。<br />
    問候, Bart


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