作品分享 ^_*………updated*



上面是懶人的傑作,什麼解釋都沒有,嘿嘿 *___*


Vrijdag 1 juli 2005 vanaf 18.00 uur
~~Friday 1 July 2005 18:00

Openingsfeest van ons nieuwe huis
~~Opening feast of our new house

Kom je ook ?
~~You come too?

We hebben BBQ
~~We have BBQ



1. 目前在家好吃懶做,每天最大的功夫就是煮兩餐 >”<
2. 隨時等待朋友招募,一起出去逛街,遊車河,還有少不了的”吃”﹗
3. 6月16日飛回吉隆坡,當然少不了玩…….
4. 6月21日半夜坐馬航去荷蘭;6月22日,荷蘭時間早晨6點就會在荷蘭降陸了。
5. 因為網路還是慢慢慢,相片真的要等我去荷蘭才貼上來囉﹗所以,親愛的朋友大大們,sorry囉,以後一定會好好補償你們滴﹗


7 thoughts on “作品分享 ^_*………updated*

  1. janetchor

    好有心思的邀請卡, 被邀者也應該覺得很榮幸! 很高<br />
    興那天有機會與妳見面聊天, 感覺妳也是一個樂觀開<br />
    朗的人(性格和我很接近喔!)…<br />
    以後回來,記得要找我談天, of course如果你們一家大<br />
    小來西馬的話, 就更棒啦!!

  2. MiriSusanna

    Janet,<br />
    <br />
    謝謝妳的美言,能夠見到妳,我也覺得很開心 ^_*<br />
    想不到我們一聊就可以聊那麼多,真的…..難以置信<br />
    以後有在KL停就可以找妳啦,我們住的很近呢 ^.^

  3. 鈺雅

    素禎阿~現在寢室只有我一個人,因為大家都回家了><<br />
    天ㄚ!不知不覺,已經不見你快一個月了。<br />
    不過終於我們辦完了學衛活動^__^<br />
    暑假一過阿,就大三了,接學會的時候到了,下次再來台灣<br />
    的時候,來看看我們學會班的接的如何唷!<br />
    <br />

  4. Bart

    Hi Susanna,<br />
    <br />
    It is a nice card. I already sent this to a lot of my friends.<br />
    It will be a nice party with Dutch and Chinese influenced food<br />
    styles….<br />
    I also invited chinese speaking people, so you will feel<br />
    comfortable between all Dutch speaking people.<br />
    Take care !<br />
    Bart<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />

  5. 阿珍

    素禎寶貝…<br />
    想想真是不可思議,<br />
    日子一天一天過~~<br />
    又到了期末考的時間,<br />
    而妳正朝著荷蘭邁進…<br />
    心情應該是一樣緊張吧!!<br />
    <br />
    感覺妳不在好久了,<br />
    如果妳在身旁一定會跟妳要一個大的擁抱^_^<br />
    好想跟妳吱吱喳喳個沒完沒了…<br />
    <br />
    素禎寶貝但是妳不在身邊,<br />
    此時只要妳幸福平安快樂足矣!<br />
    最近在忙什麼呢?<br />

  6. Janet Chor

    哈囉!! 妳應該是明天就要去會情郎了, 對嗎? 我祝妳一<br />
    路順風……<br />
    <br />
    bart, your love one is on the way soon……Remember, there <br />
    is an important note – " HANDLE WITH CARE" !!

  7. Bart

    Janet, <br />
    <br />
    She will be leaving from KL in 2 hours from now. She will arive<br />
    6.00 tomorrow morning (Dutch time, which is noon time in KL). I<br />
    am really looking forward to meet her. It will be for 3 months,<br />
    in the mean time we&#039;ll wait till she has final approval of<br />
    immigration documents. <br />
    I prepared a cozy house for her, but we need to decorate many<br />
    rooms. We&#039;ll bring chinese style in the house…I like very much !!<br />
    Su Ching will update her blog soon, so stay online !<br />
    <br />
    Thanks for your note. I know what you mean. No worry.<br />
    Best regards from Bart


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