9 thoughts on “23-12。聖誕節快樂

  1. Yu Wen

    謝謝妳的祝福,也同樣要祝福妳們,<br />
    <br />
    耶誕新年快樂!<br />
    <br />
    但是我不會荷文所以用中文囉..就請妳代為向巴特傳達了,謝謝.<br />

  2. chilisuao

    Dear Susanna<br />
    <br />
    也祝福妳跟Bart一家聖誕佳節快樂!<br />
    <br />
    Fijne Feestdagen en Een Gelukkig 2006 gewenst!

  3. HollandNico

    同樣祝福你們佳節愉快、身體健康、萬事如意、闔府平安!<br />

  4. annechang

    Dear Susanna & Bart,<br />
    Merry Christmas to you too! It was nice knowing Susanna <br />
    from the web. It must be the afinity. Bart, I believe you <br />
    must know how it works. It&#039;s the "afinity" that connects <br />
    you and Susanna, isn&#039;t it?! Thanks for sharing your life <br />
    in a far away country with everyone. I enjoy reading your <br />
    life on your BLOG. I hope I will have a chance to visit <br />
    you guys sometime! Happy Holidays and have a prosperous <br />
    new year 2006 (in advance!)

  5. EELO

    To dear Susanna & Bart,<br />
    Merry X&#039;mas and Happy New year to you.<br />
    Wishes you all have a great time.<br />
    All the best in the coming year.<br />
    love<br />
    chris<br />
    <br />

  6. MiriSusanna

    To everyone:<br />
    Thanks for your greeting, wish you a prosperous <br />
    2006 New Year!!<br />
    <br />
    Yu Wen,<br />
    巴特懂德文唷,我的德語留言就是他教的﹗<br />
    <br />
    Anne,<br />
    歡迎妳的來訪,有機會來荷蘭一定要通知一聲唷 ^___*

  7. Bart 巴特

    Hi everyone !<br />
    Thanks all for replies.<br />
    Our xmas days were terrific. 很好<br />
    <br />
    Anne, I tried to reply on your website, but I could not <br />
    login. nevermind 沒問題<br />
    yes, the affinity for her is large…. everyday I say "wo <br />
    ai ni" to her :-).<br />
    Tomorrow we will meet many of my former Dutch colleagues <br />
    who joined me during the time I worked in Taiwn. I am <br />
    already looking forward to it!<br />
    Take care…..tot ziens 再見<br />


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