IS-D04。20240530 迪霍拉里岬角 Dyrhólaey

Dyrholaey IMG_6551

[NL] Dyrhólaey, waar puffins jaarlijks komen nesten, is onze extra bestemming van die dag. Puffins kijken staat namelijk op de top van Martijn’s wensenlijst van deze reis. Het uitzicht van Dyrhólaey en Reynisfjara (zwarte strand) was erg mooi maar het waaite zo hard. Gelukkig hadden we paar puffins gezien van heeeeel ver weg, dus de moeite waard.
[EN] This day, before continue our journey from Vik to Höfn, we went back to Dyrhólaey. Martijn would like to spot the puffins there. It was so windy but we enjoyed the unique landschaps and beautiful scenery of Dyrhólaey, and saw some puffins from far away.

迪霍拉里為十萬年前至少爆發過兩次的海底火山。其西側 (Háey) 是由海底噴發形成的,主要由鬆散的噴發物質和已變成堅硬凝灰岩的黏結灰組成;其東側(Lágey)則由凝灰岩、枕狀熔岩以及立方體和柱狀玄武岩組成。迪霍拉里Dyrhólaey因高二十米、寬五十米的熔岩拱門而得名。
Dyrhólaey is a 120 m high tuya that was formed in at least two eruptions around 100,000 years ago. The west side of the island (Háey) was formed in a submarine eruption and is mostly made up of loose eruption materials and bonded ash that has turned into hard tuffs. The east side (Lágey) is made up of tuffs, pillow lava and cubed and columnar basalt. Lágey’s geology points to an active effusive eruption that built up thick lava layers. Evidence of the effusive eruption is apparent in the columnar rock by Bolabás and in other areas. It is believed that the formation of Dyrhólaey was similar to the formation of Surtsey and that in the future, the appearance of Surtsey will develop in a similar direction as Dyrhólaey (sea cliffs surrounded by stacks and skerries). Dyrhólaey is named after the 20 m high and 50 m wide lava arch that is visible when approaching the butte from the west and east and looks like an impressive door in the steep cliff. (Source:

Vik 20240530_075919
Breakfast time at Guesthouse Carina.
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Broodje van IJsland.
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Dyrhólaey, onze eerste bestemming van die dag.
First destination of the day: Dyrhólaey.
Vik IMG_6464
Leaving Vik.
Vik IMG_6465
Vik IMG_6468
Vik IMG_6471
Dyrholaey IMG_6477
Dyrholaey IMG_6480
Dyrholaey IMG_6482
Arrived Dyrhólaey.
Dyrholaey IMG_6483
Dyrholaey IMG_6484
We gingen eerst naar Háey, de weste kant van Dyrhólaey.
We went to Háey first.
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Dyrholaey IMG_6487
Dyrholaey IMG_6488
Dyrholaey IMG_6489
The Endless Black Beach.
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Dyrhólaey Lighthouse.
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Dyrholaey IMG_6500
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Dyrholaey IMG_6507
Het waait zo erg hard.
The wind was so strong.
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Dyrholaey IMG_6527
Dyrholaey IMG_6536
Dyrholaey DSCN6097
Using P900 to spot puffins.
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No puffins.
Dyrholaey IMG_6540
Dyrholaey IMG_6543
Dyrholaey IMG_6546
Dyrholaey IMG_6547
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Dyrholaey DSCN6129
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Mt. Pétursey.
Dyrholaey IMG_6557
Dyrholaey IMG_6558
Dyrholaey IMG_6559
Dyrholaey IMG_6560
Dyrholaey IMG_6562
The Endless Black Beach, really endless in sight.
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Dyrholaey IMG_6566
Dyrholaey IMG_6567
Dyrholaey IMG_6568
Dyrholaey IMG_6569
Dyrholaey IMG_6571
Have a look at Lágey, the east side of Dyrhólaey.
Dyrholaey IMG_6573
Dyrholaey IMG_6574
These tiny flowers paint the stones in pink.
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Dyrholaey IMG_6576
Reynisfjara, black beach.
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Dyrholaey IMG_6580
Dyrholaey IMG_6582
Dyrholaey DSCN6138
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Reynisfjall & Reynisdrangar.
Dyrholaey IMG_6590
Dyrholaey IMG_6591
Dyrholaey IMG_6596
Paar puffins gespot.
Few puffins in sight.
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One more.
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One more.
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This one was a little bit closer, so got finally a better shot.
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Dyrholaey DSCN6169
Dyrholaey IMG_6600
Dyrholaey IMG_6602
An amazing view at Lágey that made up of tuffs, pillow lava and cubed and columnar basalt.
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Dyrholaey IMG_6606
Continue our journey to glacier!
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Dyrholaey IMG_6608

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  1. Pingback: IS-D03。20240529 雷尼斯黑沙灘 Reynisfjara | 寫在鬱金香的國度 | MiriSusanna@Holland

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