[NL] Passeren de Eldhraun Lava Field, lijkt op dat jij op de maan belandt.
[EN] Passing through Eldhraun Lava Field, seems like landing on the moon.
Eldhraun意為火熔岩。艾爾徳熔岩原是由1783至1784年的巨型Skaftáreldar火山大爆發造就,這也是史上有記載的最大規模火山爆發之一。該次的火山爆發給冰島人民帶來滅頂之災,巨量的火山灰也影響了歐洲大陸。在英國,1783年的夏季被稱為“沙夏”;在法國,火山灰阻擋了陽光,造成糧食減產,歷史學家認為這是法國大革命的誘因之一。雖然Skaftáreldar火山爆發已成歷史,但這片565平方公里的熔岩原訴說著這自然的狂暴,如今遍地熔岩被苔蘚覆蓋,格顯其神秘與美麗。更多介紹:Guide to Iceland CN。
[EN] Eldhraun lava field, or Fire lava field, was created during the Lakagigar crater eruption. It’s one of the greatest eruptions in recorded history and is the largest of its kind in the world. This eruption lasted from 1783 to 1784, known as the Skaftáreldar (The Skaftá River Fires), and was a cataclysmic event for Iceland and beyond. In Iceland, it lead to disease, crop failure and disasters. The eruption affected Europe as well. In Great Britain, that summer is known as the Sand-Summer in Great Britain due to the fallout of ash and it is believed that the airborne haze and blocking of sunlight may have contributed to the French Revolution. Despite the abysmal effect the eruption had, this lava field of 565 km2 is today one of the most stunningly attractive ones in Iceland. In 1969, the Apollo 11 crew practiced for their imminent moonwalk here for its similarity to the surface of the moon. More info: Guide to Iceland
Mossy lava field.
Crossing the bridge, is the way to Hólaskjól-Higlandcenter (More info: https://www.eldgja.is/en).
Road in construction.
Take a closed look at Eldhraun lava field.
Here, the moss carpet is quite thick, ranging from 40-60 com as its thickest, lending the area a unique appearance…..
Daar is Fjaðrárgljúfur (Wikipedia NL), een groene kloof, maar we hebben daar niet bezocht.
Fjaðrárgljúfur, or the feather river canyon (Wikipedia EN) from far and we didn’t visit there.
Continue our way to glacier.
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