【China。七彩雲南】20140731。霞給藏族文化村及香格里拉印經院 Xiagei Tibetan Cultural Village & Shangri-La Monastic Printing House

從普達措國家公園出來,我們路過霞給藏族文化村,誤打誤撞地參觀了雲南藏區最大的香格里拉印經院及其鄰近的藏族民居土司家。 Just a short distance from Potatso National Park, we visited a Tibetan cultural village, Xiagei Village. In this small village,  we got a short guided tour to visit the largest sutra printing house in Yunnan Province, Shangri-La Monastic Printing House and a Tibetan traditional house next to this temple.

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