【China。七彩雲南】20140731。香格里拉-昆明 Shangri-La to Kunming

在香格里拉機場跟載著我們奔波了九天的巴師傅道別後,我們開始踏上歸途,先飛回昆明。次日再接著從昆明飛回吉隆坡,結束了一段豐盛的旅行。 At Shangri-La Airport, we said goodbye to our driver who has served us a safety journey, then we took the flight to go back to Kunming in late evening.

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【China。七彩雲南】20140731。霞給藏族文化村及香格里拉印經院 Xiagei Tibetan Cultural Village & Shangri-La Monastic Printing House

從普達措國家公園出來,我們路過霞給藏族文化村,誤打誤撞地參觀了雲南藏區最大的香格里拉印經院及其鄰近的藏族民居土司家。 Just a short distance from Potatso National Park, we visited a Tibetan cultural village, Xiagei Village. In this small village,  we got a short guided tour to visit the largest sutra printing house in Yunnan Province, Shangri-La Monastic Printing House and a Tibetan traditional house next to this temple.

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【China。七彩雲南】20140731。普達措國家公園 Potatso National Park, Shangri-La (2)

到了碧塔海下車,我們沿湖走了約4公里的步道,欣賞碧塔海和草甸濕地的自然景色。 The last destination in Potatso National Park was Bita Lake. We had to walk to the next pickup point of the Eco-bus, following the 4.2km visiting path and surrounded by diverse natural sceneries.

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【China。七彩雲南】20140731。普達措國家公園 Potatso National Park, Shangri-La (1)

位於滇西北“三江並流”世界自然遺產中心地帶、香格里拉縣內的普達措國家公園,佔地約1.300平方公里,是中國大陸第一個國家公園。它集環境保護、生態文化旅遊、環境教育和社區受益功能為一體,在保護國家和世界自然文化遺產的前提下,為遊客提供觀光機會。(更多資訊,請參考:官方網頁)這是我們此行的最後一個自然景區,享受這廣闊的高原濕地生態景色。 Potatso (or Pudacuo) National Park is located in Shangri-La County of Yunnan Province, is notable as the first national park in China to meet International Union for Conservation of Nature standards. It’s also a part of the Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected area of World Heritage Site. (For more information, please visit: official website)…

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【China。七彩雲南】20140730。香格里拉獨克宗古城 Dukezong Ancient Town, Shangri-La

位於雲南省迪慶藏族自治州香格里拉縣的獨克宗古城,建於唐朝、擁有一千三百多年歷史、是中國保存最好、最大的藏民居群。它是茶馬古道的樞紐,亦是滇藏公路的必經之地。“獨克宗”藏語為“月光城”之意。可惜,在2014年1月11日的一場火災,毀了這古城三分之二的建築,也毀了它的歷史文化價值。雖然師傅和導遊都不推薦去參觀這“廢墟”,我們還是趁著回到酒店的時間還早,打的到月光廣場,逛逛獨克宗古城,也圓了大妹和藏獒合照的心願。 Dukezong, or Dorkhar, is a Tibetan town in Shangri-la County, Deqen Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan province, China, with more than thirteen hundred years history. It’s a main city where the ancient Tea-Horse Road and the China National Highway 214 (G214) pass. At January 11th of 2014, a fire broke out destroying 2/3 of this…

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【China。七彩雲南】20140730。梅里雪山-迎賓台-白馬雪山 Meili Snow Mountain – Welcome Desk – Baima Snow Mountain

在梅里雪山過了一夜,原本規劃次日一早出發去明永冰川,但這往返就得耗上一整天,加上我們當日得趕回香格里拉,為了避免突發狀況而延誤接下來的行程,就決定次早直接折返香格里拉。 Our original plan of the second day at Meili Snow Mountain was to visit the Mingyong Glacier under Kawagebo Peak. But the whole journey might take about a day and we needed to turn back to Shangri-La the same day. To prevent any incidents that may delay our whole trip, we decided to skip…

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【China。七彩雲南】20140728。香格里拉壇城廣場 Tancheng Square, Shangri-La

下午三點,到了香格里拉市的酒店後,就是自由活動的時間了。我們三個都忙著補眠,下午五點多才出門覓食,因在酒店附近找不到合心意的餐廳,最後打的到市中心的壇城廣場一帶覓食,順便走走。在這海拔3,300米的地方,幸運的是,我們都沒什麽高原反應,就是晚上比較難以入眠。 15pm, we arrived our hotel at Shangri-La. After a short sleep, we began to look for dinner in the neighbourhood of our hotel, but finally we went to the city center to have KFC. Then we had a walk around the Tancheng Square before sunset. Luckily, we didn’t feel uncomfortable at the altitude of…

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