
2月2日早上,我們乘坐長舟Long Boat到風洞和清水洞,River Melinau兩岸綠陰叢叢,讓首次到熱帶的巴特雀躍不已。途中,我們參觀了本南族Bunan長屋及手工藝品。

Long Boat.





7 thoughts on “20050202。往風洞和清水洞途中

  1. Bart 巴特

    Hi Susanna,<br />
    <br />
    It was really a very nice holiday. My first visit of beautiful<br />
    Sarawak.<br />
    I want to visit again…..hahahah…I cannot wait.<br />
    When do you have time to join me?<br />
    Regards,<br />

  2. MiriSusanna

    Thanks Bart, I&#039;m really happy that you like Miri and Borneo <br />
    very much. After this semester, you&#039;re always welcome. I <br />
    can bring you to more national park if you like ^_*

  3. janetchor

    hello….I am Janet and I am a Malaysian. Happy to meet u at <br />
    the blog. You are most welcome to visit my home,too!

  4. MiriSusanna

    Janet,<br />
    <br />
    Nice to meet you too in this blog ^_*<br />
    What&#039;s a coincidence, we&#039;re both Malaysian!<br />
    I must visit your home now ^___________^

  5. Bart 巴特

    Ni hao Janet,<br />
    Thanks for visiting the website !<br />
    I have taken a look at yours….nice to see,<br />
    only my Mandarin language is limited. I hope to start a course<br />
    next September after Susanna has arrived in Holland.<br />
    Take care! Regards,<br />

  6. janetchor

    Hello to Bart ! Nice to meet u here…<br />
    <br />
    What a shame …as a Malaysian, I never been to East M&#039;sia <br />
    yet. I must find a chance to go to enjoy the natural beauty <br />
    there…<br />
    <br />
    By the way,Bart, take good care of Susanna after you guys <br />
    in Holland later.U know , all of us fear of unknown ! If not, I <br />
    will take GOOD care of u on behalf of the Malaysian…

  7. MiriSusanna

    Janet,<br />
    <br />


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