IS-D02。20240528 塞爾福斯與奧富薩河流域 Selfoss & Ölfusá River

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[NL] Na een dagje Golden Circle, gingen we naar Selfoss voor KFC. We reden heen en terug langs de Ölfusá rivier die met het grootste stroomgebied in IJsland (5.760 km2).
[EN] After a tiring Golden Circle trip, we decided to reward ourselves at KFC in Selfoss. These are the sceneries between our B&B and Selfoss, and Ölfusá River with the largest drainage basin in Iceland (5.760 km2).

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從凱瑞斯火山口往民宿Minni-Borgir Cabins。
On the way from Kerid Crater to Minni-Borgir Cabins, our accommodation.
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Lovely cottage with outdoor hot tubs.
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We waren onderweg naar de KFC in Selfoss. De donkere wolk lijkt op een hoetje van de berg.
We’re on the way to KFC in Selfoss. The dark cloud seems like the hat of the mountain.
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Gebied waar Hvítá-rivier (uitgletsjer Langjokull) samen met met Sogið-rivier (uit Thingvallavatn meer) komt en Ölfusá-rivier vormt.
The area where Hvítá River joins Sogið RIver and become Ölfusá River heading to the Atlantic Ocean.
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Directly to KFC.
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Deze kippetjes waren niet dezelfde als die in Nederland of Azie, en helemaal niet lekker!The fried chicken was dissappointed.
Just not the taste that we used to have in the Netherlands or Asia.
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Ölfusárbrú is a suspension bridge over the Ölfusá River that was first built in 1891 and became the largest bridge in Iceland at the time. In September 1944, when the bridge had been in use for 53 years, the eastern bearing cables broke due to the weight of two trucks. A new suspension bridge was built in 1945, which only took five and a half months, but while it was being constructed, the old bridge had been fixed for temporary use. The bridge is 84 meters long and is in the town of Selfoss. (Source:
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The same way back to B&B.
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Dropping stones.
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Ölfusá River。
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Búrfell with hat, so cute!
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奧富薩河長25公里,卻是冰島流量最大的河流,平均流量为每秒423立方米。它的流域面积为5760平方公里。她的上游為源自克朗冰川的白河與源自辛格瓦德拉湖的宋河,出海口於北大西洋。這裡有鮭魚養殖,入海處有一自然保護區(Flói Nature Reserve)。
[EN] Ölfusá River is relatively short, about 25 km (14 miles) long. About 6 km (4 mi) north of Selfoss are two rivers, Sogið and Hvítá, and combined form Ölfusá. But she is the most voluminous in Iceland, with an average flow of 423 m³/sec, and its drainage basin is 5760 km2. Three large floods occurred in the 20th century, and beside the restaurant, Tryggvaskáli, are lines showing each flood’s height. All the floods happened during the wintertime due to heavy rains and high temperatures, which caused the snow to melt unusually fast. (Source:, Wikipedia)

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Búrfell (669m).
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De paarden kwamen naar ons toe.
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Golf course.
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Minni-Borgir Cabins with restaurant.
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Enjoy hot tubs and relax!
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2 thoughts on “IS-D02。20240528 塞爾福斯與奧富薩河流域 Selfoss & Ölfusá River

  1. Pingback: IS-D02。20240528 凱瑞斯火口湖 Kerid Crater | 寫在鬱金香的國度 | MiriSusanna@Holland

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