20191112。恩荷芬光藝節 GLOW Eindhoven 2019 (1)

恩荷芬光藝節又到了!今年是第十四屆,我第十次捧場。跟往年不同,今年選擇一個人走一圈,懷念以往有人耐心在旁等待,如今只能伴在心裡、自己往前走。無論如何,照片還是沒有少,來看看照片吧! It’s 14th GLOW in Eindhoven, and my 10th visiting to this light festival. This time, I miss the one who has accompanied me for years. However, I’m still able to catch a lot of photos and here’re the sharings.

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20190215-0217。賞鳥合輯 Birds & Nature (3)

第三輯:這篇含大山雀、藍山雀、烏鴉、喜鵲、骨頂雞、斑尾林鴿、加拿大雁、鸕鶿、蒼鷺、知更鳥等。文末有更多這松鼠的特寫鏡頭。 This post contains great tit, blue tit, crow, pica pica, Eurasian coot, wood pigeon, Canada goose, great cormorant, grey heron, European Robin etc, with pictures of this squirrel at the end.

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