Tag Archives: 賞鳥 Birds

20210221。鳳頭鸊鷉吞魚特寫 Grebe Eating Show


[NL] Na ruim 10 dagen met enorm koude weer, de temperatuur steeg ineens tot 20 graden. Even dikke winterjas uit konden we meteen met korte mouwen buiten lopen. Deze dag had ik toevalig een fuut gespot dit vis net had gevangen en aan het eten was. Niet helemaal prefect qua foto’s kwaliteit maar toch een mooie herinnering.
[EN] After more than 10 days with thick winter jacket, we could go out immediately with short sleeves, so crazy is the weather in the Netherlands. This day, I met a great crested grebe that just caught a fish and giving eating show. The quality of the pictures is not prefect, but nice to have this experience. Continue reading

20210213。冰雪美景 Nature Ice & Snow


[NL] Na sneeuwstorm Darcy bleef de temperatuur bijna 10 dagen onder nul graden. Veel watergebieden waren bevoren en paradijs voor natuurijs schaatsen geworden. Die zijn foto’s van 13 feb, een record van het enorm koude weer.
[EN] After snowstorm Darcy, the temperature dropped to below zero degree celsius for about 10 days. Many lakes and wetland became a paradise of nature ice skating. These pictures were taken on 13th Feb, a memory of the extreme cold weather in the Netherlands. Continue reading

20210117。殘雪景色 Nature in Winter


[NL] Deze set van foto’s zijn gemaakt tijdens wandeling, na het sneeuwen van een nacht. Foto van die dag was de kokmeeuw die opeens verschenen toen de focus op de Canadese ganzen lag.
[EN] This post shares the nature after a snowing night. The selected picture is a black-headed gull rushed into the picture when I was focusing on the Canada geese. Continue reading

20210109。冬天景態 Nature in winter


Deze post zijn de foto’s tijden wandeling in de buurt. Vogels in beeld zijn: kokmeeuw, aalscholver, houtduif, merel en waterhoen.
Today, the weather was so nice to have a walk and make photos. This post sharing the winter view and birds (black-headed gull, cormorant, wood pigeon, blackbird, and moorhen). Continue reading

2020。大自然匯集 Nature (3) Leenderbos


[NL] De foto’s in deze post zijn gemaakt tijdens wandelingen bij Leenderbos in 2020. De vogels op foto’s zijn knobbelzwaan, grauwe gans, gaai, roodborst, blauwe reiger, roodborsttapuit, vink.
[EN] These pictures are taken at Leenderbos in 2020. The spotted birds are mute swan, greylag goose, Eurasian jay, European Robin, grey heron, European stonechat, and chaffinch. Continue reading

2020。大自然匯集 Nature (1) Eindhoven


應疫情而改變作息,從五月起至七月底,近乎每天出外散步、呼吸新鮮空氣。在離家兩公里的地方就有一自然休閒區Recreatieplas Hanevoet,於是這成了我常常出沒的地方,當然時而也帶上我較輕便的Nikon P900來拍鳥。這就匯成兩輯,回顧2020年在這一帶(穿插少部分其他地方)的自然生態。入鏡含:埃及雁、加拿大雁、黑水雞、骨頂雞、鳳頭鸊鷉、大山雀、鸕鶿、野鴨。其中有埃及雁寶寶的成長記錄。
[NL] Afgelopen zomer had ik bijna dagelijks wandeling gehad, meestal in buurt een rondje lopen naar Recreatieplas Hanevoet. Soms nam ik mijn Nikon P900 mee om de vogels te fotograferen. Hier deel ik de foto’s in twee artikelen, inclusief: Nijlgans (ook de groei van jongen ganzen), Canadese gans, waterhoen, meerkoet, fuut, koolmees, aalscholver, wilde eend.
[EN] Last summer, I went out for a walk everyday, to get some fresh air and to enjoy the beautiful of nature. Recreatieplas Hanevoet was an area that I visited the most. With my Nikon P900, I had captured some beautiful pictures of the birds, including Egyptian goose, Canada goose, moorhen, Eurasian coot, great crested grebe, great tit, great cormorant, wild ducks. The collection of pictures will be shared in two posts. Enjoy! Continue reading

20190215-0217。賞鳥合輯 Birds & Nature (3)


This post contains great tit, blue tit, crow, pica pica, Eurasian coot, wood pigeon, Canada goose, great cormorant, grey heron, European Robin etc, with pictures of this squirrel at the end. Continue reading

20190106-0213。賞鳥合輯 Birds & Nature (2)


This post contains European Robin, great cormorant, great crested grebe, muscovy duck, great white heron, Canada goose, wild duck, moorhen, black-headed gull, Eurasian coot etc. Continue reading

20180717-0917。賞鳥合輯 Birds & Nature (1)


大前天在家回味用Nikon P900難得拍到的松鼠大頭照,結果手殘按到全部刪除,頓時手足失措、想到拔電池時幾乎全部照片都刪完了。為了找回照片,花了小錢去買了SanDisk的RescuePRO,算是把大部分的照片找回來了。雖然巴特說有免費的,但一千兩百多張照片還是一口氣買個心安。這Nikon P900入手也快一年了(參考舊文),平時只有輕裝去散步時才帶上,主要是拍鳥。因為很久沒把照片抄到電腦上,這就來把它們篩選一遍、補貼一系列平時隨手拈來的大自然美景,共三篇。這篇含鳳頭鸊鷉、加拿大雁、埃及雁、斑尾林鴿、骨頂雞、鸕鶿、紅嘴鷗、灰雁、黑天鵝和蒼鷺等。
Usually, I use my Nikon P900 to shoot birds and nature when I have a walk in neighborhood or natural area only. These are serie of photos taken in last few months, sharing in 3 posts. This post contains great crested grebe, Canada goose, Egyptian goose, wood pigeon, Eurasian coot, great cormorant, black-headed gull, greylag goose, black swan, grey heron etc. Continue reading

20180501。散步賞鳥 Walk for birds


Have a walk after dinner and look for birds in neighborhood. These series include pica pica, great tit, common blackbird, Egyptian goose (a family of 7), Canada goose (a family of 7), Eurasian coot (a family of 4), European Robin and woodpecker. Continue reading