休息了一晚、在酒店用過自助早餐後,我們帶著兩老、開始遊馬六甲的古城區。馬六甲的歷史文化悠久,始於十四世紀末由拜里米蘇拉成立的滿剌加,先臣屬暹羅;十五世紀初,臣屬明朝、成為一國,與暹羅並列,因它的地理位置,滿剌加成了來自爪哇、印度、阿拉伯和明朝的商人停泊的貿易港口,及明朝鄭和的遠航船隊的前哨基地;1511年,葡萄牙佔領滿剌加,改稱馬六甲;1641年,荷蘭趕走葡萄牙、佔領了馬六甲;1824年,荷蘭把馬六甲割讓給英國;1957年,馬來亞獨立,馬六甲成其一州屬;1963年,馬來西亞成立(歷史可參考維基:點此)。馬六甲在歷經明朝和三個歐洲國家的管治和文化影響後,有了自己獨樹一支的多元文化特色,其中以結合華巫文化的娘惹美食最為矚目。2008年,馬六甲市被列為UNESCO世界文化遺產。我們參觀了A’Famosa堡壘、聖保羅山和教堂廢墟、荷蘭紅屋/馬六甲博物館(前身為市政廳Stadthuys)、馬六甲基督教堂,最後在雞場街街口的Hard Rock Cafe用了午餐即結束行程。這輯分享的是前半段至聖保羅教堂的照片。
After having buffet breakfast at hotel, we began our journey to visit this UNESCO world heritage site. Malacca City is the oldest Malaysian city on the Straits of Malacca. Malacca was established by Parameswara in 1396. In 15th and 16th century, Malacca was an important trading port of Arabs, Persians, Gujaratis, Tamils, Bengalis, and Chinese traders. At the beginning of 15th century, Malacca was fallen under protection of Ming Dynasty; Malacca was then conquered by Portugal in 1511, by Dutch in 1641, later transferred to British in 1824, finally independent and become one of the states of Malaya which later formed with Sarawak and Sabah as Malaysia. This history makes Malacca unique with its multicultural nowadays, especially Baba Nyonya (ethnic mixture from Malay and Chinese) culture. In 2008, Malacca City is officially been announced as UNESCO world heritage site. We have visited A’Famosa Fort, St. Paul Hill and Church, Stadthuys, Malacca Church, and lastly at Hard Rock Cafe for our lunch. This section share the first part of the pictures (until St. Paul Church). Continue reading
【17返馬】20170805。西馬 West M’sia (4) 馬六甲古城區 Malacca Old Town – Part 1
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