Tag Archives: 世界文化遺產 UNESCO

IS-D02。20240528 辛格韋德利國家公園 Thingvellir National Park

Thingvellir IMG_4699

[NL] Het Nationaal Park Thingvellir is een van de drie UNESCO-werelderfgoedlocaties van IJsland. Hier is de enige plek ter wereld dat de blootliggende Noord-Amerikaanse en Euraziatische tektonische platen op het land te zien.
[EN] Thingvellir National Park is one of three UNESCO World Heritage sites in Iceland. It is one of the only regions in the world where you can see the exposed North American and Eurasian tectonic plate on land.
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NZ-D11。20200310 Milford Sound (1)


米佛峽灣位於峽灣國家公園內,為世界第八大奇觀。峽灣長約16公里,兩側是高聳的山脈、峽谷沒在塔斯曼海裡,是冰川切割成的自然景觀,被列為UNESCO世界遺產之一。米佛峽灣的著名景點有:辛巴德峽谷、麥特爾峰、象山、獅子山、兩座永久瀑布(鮑文瀑布、斯特林瀑布)等。我們參加的是Real Journeys(官網)的行程,乘坐的是Milford Mariner遊輪。說實在我全程沒很認真在聽講解和拍照,畢竟這趟行程賦予我的是另一種意義。在藍天陪襯、雲霧纏綿的景色中映出難以言喻的優美和震撼,心裡欣慰自己終於親臨米佛峽灣、了了盤旋已久的心願。照片分兩輯分享,這是上集。
De fjord Milford Sound, ligt in het Fiordland National Park, is het achtste grootste wereldwonder. Deze fjord is ongeveer 16km lang en staat op de Werelderfgoedlijst van UNESCO. De bekende uitzichten zijn: Sinbad Gully, Mitre Peak (1682m), The Elephant (1517m), The Lion (1301m), Bowen Falls (160m), Stirling Falls (146m) etc. We zijn met de cruise van Real Journeys (website), Milford Mariner, meegereist. Met de blauwe lucht en laag hangende bewolken tusen de bergen zijn de uitzichten ontzettend mooi. Ik ben blij dat we deze reis waar hebben gemaakt. De fotos zijn verdeeld in twee setjes, en hier komt de eerste set. Continue reading

【17返馬】20170805。西馬 West M’sia (4) 馬六甲古城區 Malacca Old Town – Part 1


休息了一晚、在酒店用過自助早餐後,我們帶著兩老、開始遊馬六甲的古城區。馬六甲的歷史文化悠久,始於十四世紀末由拜里米蘇拉成立的滿剌加,先臣屬暹羅;十五世紀初,臣屬明朝、成為一國,與暹羅並列,因它的地理位置,滿剌加成了來自爪哇、印度、阿拉伯和明朝的商人停泊的貿易港口,及明朝鄭和的遠航船隊的前哨基地;1511年,葡萄牙佔領滿剌加,改稱馬六甲;1641年,荷蘭趕走葡萄牙、佔領了馬六甲;1824年,荷蘭把馬六甲割讓給英國;1957年,馬來亞獨立,馬六甲成其一州屬;1963年,馬來西亞成立(歷史可參考維基:點此)。馬六甲在歷經明朝和三個歐洲國家的管治和文化影響後,有了自己獨樹一支的多元文化特色,其中以結合華巫文化的娘惹美食最為矚目。2008年,馬六甲市被列為UNESCO世界文化遺產。我們參觀了A’Famosa堡壘、聖保羅山和教堂廢墟、荷蘭紅屋/馬六甲博物館(前身為市政廳Stadthuys)、馬六甲基督教堂,最後在雞場街街口的Hard Rock Cafe用了午餐即結束行程。這輯分享的是前半段至聖保羅教堂的照片。
After having buffet breakfast at hotel, we began our journey to visit this UNESCO world heritage site. Malacca City is the oldest Malaysian city on the Straits of Malacca. Malacca was established by Parameswara in 1396. In 15th and 16th century, Malacca was an important trading port of Arabs, Persians, Gujaratis, Tamils, Bengalis, and Chinese traders. At the beginning of 15th century, Malacca was fallen under protection of Ming Dynasty; Malacca was then conquered by Portugal in 1511, by Dutch in 1641, later transferred to British in 1824, finally independent and become one of the states of Malaya which later formed with Sarawak and Sabah as Malaysia. This history makes Malacca unique with its multicultural nowadays, especially Baba Nyonya (ethnic mixture from Malay and Chinese) culture. In 2008, Malacca City is officially been announced as UNESCO world heritage site. We have visited A’Famosa Fort, St. Paul Hill and Church, Stadthuys, Malacca Church, and lastly at Hard Rock Cafe for our lunch. This section share the first part of the pictures (until St. Paul Church). Continue reading

【17返馬】20170804。西馬 West M’sia (3) 夜遊馬六甲雞場街 Jonker Walk, Melaka


After dinner, we went out to Jonker Street, a must-visit spot of Malacca. Continue reading

【17返馬】20170804。西馬 West M’sia (1) 吉隆坡-馬六甲 KL to Malacca


Malacca is our first destination in West Malaysia. When we arrived at KLIA, Jessie came to pick us up and drove us to Malacca. The journey took about 2 hours. We arrived Hatten Hotel around 17 pm. These are the pictures taken on the way. Continue reading

【17返馬】20170801。亞庇 KK (10) 神山植物園 Kinabalu Park (Botanical Garden & Balsam Buffet)


After jungle trekking, we visited the botanical garden of Kinabalu Park. Then, it’s time for lunch at Balsam Buffet Restaurant. Continue reading

【17返馬】20170801。亞庇 KK (9) 森林步道 Kinabalu Park (Silau-Silau Trail)


Kinabalu Park is the first UNESCO World Heritage Site of Malaysia. It covers an area of 754 square kilometres surrounding Mt. Kinabalu and 4 different climate zones. It’s one of the most important biological sites in the world with more than 4,500 species of flora and fauna, including 326 bird and around 100 mammal species, and over 110 land snail species. Although we’re not going to climb Mt. Kinabalu, we still can trekking in the park to observe the beauty of the nature. Silau-Silau Trail is located in between 1,600m to 1,700m above sea level, with vegetation of lower montane rainforest. We took the chance to trek on this trail descending. It’s quite challenging for Diny, but she made it and gained a wonderful memory for this trip. Continue reading

【17返馬】20170801。亞庇 KK (8) Kundasang Market – Kinabalu Park (Timpohon Gate)


After breakfast, we’re ready for the programs of 2nd day: visiting Kundasang Market, Timpohon Gate and Silau-Silau Trail at Kinabalu Park, and back to KK in the afternoon. Continue reading

【17返馬】20170716。姆魯 Mulu (8) 清水洞 Clearwater Cave


The Clearwater Cave System (Malay: Gua Air Jernih) in Gunung Mulu National Park is believed to be the largest interconnected cave system in the world by volume and the 8th longest cave in the world at 222 km (2017). The system lies mainly under the western margins of Gunung Api between the Melinau Gorge and Cave of the Winds. The first exploration by speleologists was during the 1977/78 Royal Geographical Society Mulu Sarawak Expedition when 15 miles of the cave passage were surveyed. Many expeditions by the Mulu Caves Project have increased the explored length and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.” — from wikipedia. Clearwater Cave is located at the southwest of the Clearwater Cave System, and it is the downstream of Clearwater, one of the biggest known underground rivers (more detail here: Clearwater Cave by Mulu Caves Project). We have visited the Lady Cave and the Big Pit, then the Clearwater passage and the cave views, a great ending of our Mulu’s showcaves tour. Continue reading

【17返馬】20170716。姆魯 Mulu (7) 風洞 Wind Cave


A plankwalk leads from the riverbank to the entrance of Wind Cave, so named because of the cool breezes which can be felt at the narrow parts of the cave. Wind Cave, which is part of the Clearwater system, has many impressive stalactites, stalagmites, flowrocks, helitites and rock corals, some which are illuminated in the ‘King’s” Room. — from mulunationalpark.com Continue reading