Tag Archives: 白沙壁畫 Baisha’s Mural

【China。七彩雲南】20140725。麗江白沙古鎮與白沙壁畫 Baisha’s Mural & Baisha Town, Lijiang


Baisha (White sand) Town is one of the oldest towns in Lijiang. It’s the earliest settlement of Naxi people and the birthplace of the Mu Family which has ruled Lijiang in 14th century. Nowadays Baisha Town is famous with Baisha’s murals (more info: click here). We had our lunch here at a Naxi’s restaurant, then we went to visit a Naxi’s family that well known for Naxi’s traditional hand-made embroidery. After that, we went to see the Baisha’s murals at Daboji Palace and the history of Mu Family at Wenchang Palace.
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