Tag Archives: Bormio

【13夏】17-07。往北意的阿爾卑斯山脈 Going to Alps at North Italy (4) Passo Del Gavia to Passo dello Stelvio

從Passo del Tonale開始,我們就一直在走山路,沿途景色美不勝收,但還是希望早點到酒店休息。就在接近天黑的當兒,我們到了海拔兩千四百多米的Passo dello Stevio,給近十二小時的路程劃上漂亮的句點。
From Tonale Pass, our journey in Alps area began. Although the views are so wonderful, but we started to hope to arrive our hotel  a.s.a.p. After almost 12 hours driving, we arrived Hotel Perego at Passo dello Stelvio.
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