Tag Archives: 上山 Mountain

【Vietnam】20160710。沙壩梯田之旅 Sapa Terrace (4) Ta Van to Bản Dền


健行到Ta Van後,我們繼續坐車到Bản Dền(泰族村落)。途中,在一小店休息、用午餐。到了Bản Dền,我們參觀了家民宿,剛好主人家在釀酒,也一窺釀酒的過程。
After 4km trekking, we continued our way to Bản Dền by car. On the way, we stopped at a small shop to have our lunch. When we arrived Bản Dền, we were welcome at a homestay to have a look of local culture. Continue reading

【Vietnam】20160710。沙壩梯田之旅 Sapa Terrace (1) Sapa to Lao Chai


重頭戲來囉!這天,帶著雀躍的心情,我們來去親睹沙壩梯田的壯觀美色。早上八點,導遊美蘭來酒店大堂接我們。坐上四輪驅動的休旅車,司機載著我們四位往Lao Chai村的路口,也即是健行賞景的出發點。我們悠哉地從Lao Chai村走到Ta Van村,約4公里的路程,花了兩個小時半,除了欣賞周圍的美景,還能一窺黑苗族的生活文化。司機在Ta Van村的路口接了我們,繼續往Bản Dền村。雖然正值梯田翠綠的季節,我們還是心滿意足地為眼前的美景驚嘆。等往後出門旅遊的時間比較有彈性時,一定要去拍一次豐收時的黃金梯田和灌水後穿上彩裳的梯田(首選雲南的元陽梯田)。這一系列的照片很多(因為都很喜歡,怎麽看怎麼美),將分成五篇分享。

[EN] Here we’re, the highlight of our Sapa tour: visiting the world famous Sapa Terrace. Our one day activities included trekking and sightseeing, by foot and by car. 8 o’clock in the morning, we’re picked up by our guide Meilan from hotel. Our driver brought us with his 4WD SUV to the entrance of Lao Chai Village where’s the start point of our trekking route. Then, we began our 4 km trekking route at Sapa Valley. The terraces’re covered by green carpet and the scenery’s remarkable beautiful. We took 2.5 hours to walk from Lao Chai to Ta Van, not only enjoying the great views but also learning some about Black Hmong’s culture and living style. After trekking, we continued our way to Bản Dền by car. It’s a wonderful journey to discover the beauty of Sapa Terrace. The photos will be posted into 5 sets. Continue reading

【Vietnam】20160709。老街-沙壩 Lao Cai to Sapa


[NL] Vanaf Lao Cai zijn we met de secundaire weg (QL4D) naar Sapa gegaan, vanaf altitude 100 meter naar 1.500 meter. Voor een afstand van 30 km hebben we ongeveer 1 uur gereisd. Hieronder zijn de foto’s van de eerste indruk van de rijstvelden op de bergen en de dagelijkse leven van de lokale bevolking.
[EN] Leaving the highway at Lao Cai, we continued our journey by secondary road for the last 30 km to Sapa. It took our bus about an hour to climb from altitude 100 meter to 1.500 meter. On the way, we could have the first impression of the terrace in this mountain area and the daily life of the local people. Continue reading

【Ireland】20160417。基爾肯尼-格蘭達洛-威克洛-都柏林 Kilkenny – Glendalough – Wicklow – Dublin


[NL] Wanneer we op reis zijn, proberen we altijd een berggebied te bezoeken. Bart’s client had ons een mooie route voorgesteld om de verschillende natuurlandschappen te bekijken. We hadden eerst een stuk snelweg gereden en toen de secondaire weg richting berggebied Glendalough genomen. Daarna waren we verder gereden naar Wicklow, een havenstad aan de oostkunst. Na het lunchen, reden we naar Dublin met de snelweg.
[EN] After years staying at the Netherlands, we are always cheerful to have the chance to visit some mountain areas. Bart’s client at Kilkenny has introduced us a wonderful route to get the fantastic views of different nature landscape of Ireland in short time, inclusive mountain and sea. From Kilkenny we took the highway first and continued with secondary road passing the mountains to Glendalough. Then we travelled further to Wicklow at east coast and picked the highway again directly to Dublin.
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【China。七彩雲南】20140729。德欽飛來寺之星空 Starry Sky at Feilai Temple, Deqin


On the way back to our hotel after dinner, we saw the wonderful starry sky in dark. As human being who live in city with a lot of light pollutions, we were so excited to watch the stars and to feel the loneliness in the Milky Way.
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【China。七彩雲南】20140729。德欽梅里雪山(太子雪山) Meili Snow Mountain or Kawagarbo


Here we’re, the view of Meili Snow Mountain. Since we left Lijiang to Shangri-La, we entered the Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas. Feilai Temple at Deqin was our northest destination of this journey, one of the best locations to see the great view of Meili Snow Mountain. Continue reading

【China。七彩雲南】20140729。月亮灣-東竹林寺-白馬雪山 Moon Bend – Dongzhulin Monastery – Baima Snow Mountain


After passing Benzilan, we have a short stop at the Moon Bend of Jinsha River, then we went to visit Dongzhulin Monastery, and then keep up- and downhilling to climb over the Baima Snow Mountain. Baima (or Baimang) Snow Mountain, also named as White Horse Snow Mountain, is located in between Jinsha River and Lancang River, most of the peaks are higher than 5km. The G214 National Road is passing here at the point of 4.230m.
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【China。七彩雲南】20140728。往香格里拉的路上 On the way to Shangri-La


After having lunch at Hutiaoxia Town, we continued our journey to Shangri-La, or Zhongdian. The distance was about 120 km and took us about 2.5 hours to reach there. Due to rainy weather, we didn’t have blue sky in sight, but the views were still so pretty and attractive.
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【China。七彩雲南】20140725。玉龍雪山之藍月谷 Blue Moon Valley of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain


July 25th, we began our tour by Jade Dragon Snow Mountain scenic area. Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, or Yulong Mountain, is the southernmost glacier in the Northern Hemisphere and consisting of 13 peaks. The highest peak is Shanzidou with an altitude of 5,596 meters. The mountain stretches a length of 35 kilometersand a width of 20 kilometers. Due to acrophobia, Bart could not join any trip with cable cars, so we went to the Blue Moon Valley in this scenic area.
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【13夏】17-07。往北意的阿爾卑斯山脈 Going to Alps at North Italy (4) Passo Del Gavia to Passo dello Stelvio

從Passo del Tonale開始,我們就一直在走山路,沿途景色美不勝收,但還是希望早點到酒店休息。就在接近天黑的當兒,我們到了海拔兩千四百多米的Passo dello Stevio,給近十二小時的路程劃上漂亮的句點。
From Tonale Pass, our journey in Alps area began. Although the views are so wonderful, but we started to hope to arrive our hotel  a.s.a.p. After almost 12 hours driving, we arrived Hotel Perego at Passo dello Stelvio.
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【13夏】17-07。往北意的阿爾卑斯山脈 Going to Alps at North Italy (3) Passo Del Tonale to Passo Del Gavia

經過Passo Del Tonale,我們繼續往Passo Del Gavia走。為了賞美景,故意挑山路走,雖然有的山路非常險要,急彎很多,有的地方只有單道通車,但我們還是有驚無險、平安地跨過一座座的山峰和峽谷。
Passing the Tonale Pass, we continued our way to Gavia Pass. Although some parts of the roads were dangerous, but we have travelled through the mountains safety and gained a lot of beautiful memoris in this trip. Continue reading