Tag Archives: 埃德蒙頓 Edmonton

【Canada 2014】05-04。歸程 Edmonton,CA to Eindhoven,NL

Our vacation in Canada was quite short. Thanks for the hospitality of my aunt and family. Our trip to Rocky Mountains can be considered as a quick view of this world famous nature area, and, for sure, we’ll visit here again in the season when the mountains and lakes have get rid of their white coats.
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【Canada 2014】02-04。洛磯山脈 Rocky Mountains to Edmonton

The next morning in Jasper, the weather changed and started to snow. We tried to continue with a short part of Highway no.93 to south, but the sight was so bad that even we could not see the mountains anymore. Thus, we decided to turn north and drive back to Edmonton. Continue reading

【Canada 2014】29-03。西埃德蒙頓商場 West Edmonton Mall

The West Edmonton Mall was the world’s largest shopping mall until 2004 and is the largest shopping mall in North America. Besides shops and stores, there are many indoor attractions. Continue reading

【Canada 2014】28-03。啟程 Eindhoven,NL to Edmonton,CA

Last week, we visited Canada for a short trip. We flew with Icelandair from Amsterdam to their new destination, Edmonton. The whole flight took about 10 hours including transit at Keflavík International Airport of Iceland. Continue reading