20210213。冰雪美景 Nature Ice & Snow

2月6日暴風雪來襲後,荷蘭持續近十天溫度在攝氏零度以下,許多湖面漸漸結冰,人們都喜出望外地拎著溜冰鞋四處溜冰去。這是13日拍的照片,記錄這嚴寒冬色。 [NL] Na sneeuwstorm Darcy bleef de temperatuur bijna 10 dagen onder nul graden. Veel watergebieden waren bevoren en paradijs voor natuurijs schaatsen geworden. Die zijn foto’s van 13 feb, een record van het enorm koude weer. [EN] After snowstorm Darcy, the temperature dropped to below zero degree celsius for about 10 days. Many lakes…

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20210209。暴風雪後 After Snowstorm Darcy

週六2月6日晚,荷蘭迎來了這十年最強的暴風雪,氣溫急速下降。週五下午還在攝氏十度的“高溫”下去打九洞,次日就開始降溫,當晚開始大雪紛飛,暴風猛刮,溫度降到攝氏零下,且會持續整十天零下狀態,最低感溫可達攝氏零下十七度左右。來荷蘭的第十六個年頭,沒了下雪就衝出去拍照的那股傻勁,在三天足不出戶後,今天下午才拎著相機出去走了五公里,享受零下的凍感和美景。 Zaterdag 6 feb kwam sneeuwstorm Darcy op bezoek in Nederland. Daarna gaan we minstens een week de diepvries in. Na 15 winters in Nederland ben ik niet meer zo gek op de sneeuw. Maar na drie dagen zich op slot in huis ging ik vanmiddag toch naar buiten voor een wandeling. De zon scheen…

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【Canada 2014】02-04。洛磯山脈 Rocky Mountains to Edmonton

在Jasper的次早,開始變天下雪了。我們沿著93號公路往南走了一小段,可見度實在是越來越低,於是決定調頭開始回Edmonton的路程,沿途只能說風雪越來越大,朦朧朧的一片,無趣極了。 The next morning in Jasper, the weather changed and started to snow. We tried to continue with a short part of Highway no.93 to south, but the sight was so bad that even we could not see the mountains anymore. Thus, we decided to turn north and drive back to Edmonton.

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【Canada 2014】01-04。洛磯山脈 Rocky Mountains (3) via Kootenay National Park to Hinton

洛磯山脈第三輯:在93號公路調頭後,我們上了11號公路David Thompson Highway,經過Kootenay National Park國家公園,往東走到Rocky Mountain House。然後,走22號公路Cowboy Trail往北到Evansburg,在走16號公路Yellowhead Highway經Hinton到Jasper。 Rocky Mountains part III: from Saskatchewan River Crossing, we took the Highway no.11 first to Rocky Mountain House. Then, we continued with no.22 to Evansburg, and lastly with no.16 to Jasper. View Larger Map Clearwater County is a municipal district in Division No. 9 of Alberta. David…

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