Tag Archives: 雪景 Snow

20210213。冰雪美景 Nature Ice & Snow


[NL] Na sneeuwstorm Darcy bleef de temperatuur bijna 10 dagen onder nul graden. Veel watergebieden waren bevoren en paradijs voor natuurijs schaatsen geworden. Die zijn foto’s van 13 feb, een record van het enorm koude weer.
[EN] After snowstorm Darcy, the temperature dropped to below zero degree celsius for about 10 days. Many lakes and wetland became a paradise of nature ice skating. These pictures were taken on 13th Feb, a memory of the extreme cold weather in the Netherlands. Continue reading

20210209。暴風雪後 After Snowstorm Darcy


Zaterdag 6 feb kwam sneeuwstorm Darcy op bezoek in Nederland. Daarna gaan we minstens een week de diepvries in. Na 15 winters in Nederland ben ik niet meer zo gek op de sneeuw. Maar na drie dagen zich op slot in huis ging ik vanmiddag toch naar buiten voor een wandeling. De zon scheen en de wind was stil. Het was ijskoud maar wel lekker voor verse lucht en foto’s maken.
[EN] Last Saturday evening, snowstorm Darcy arrived the Netherlands. This was the first snowstorm in the Netherlands since January 2010. The temperature will drop to below 0C for at least a week. Still remember my first met with snow 15 years ago, running out with slippers to get pictures in snow. But now I enjoyed wachting snowing from my warm rooms. After the snowstorm was over,  I had my first walk outside this afternoon to make some pictures. Continue reading

【Canada 2014】02-04。洛磯山脈 Rocky Mountains to Edmonton

The next morning in Jasper, the weather changed and started to snow. We tried to continue with a short part of Highway no.93 to south, but the sight was so bad that even we could not see the mountains anymore. Thus, we decided to turn north and drive back to Edmonton. Continue reading

【Canada 2014】01-04。洛磯山脈 Rocky Mountains (4) Hinton to Jasper

洛磯山脈第四輯:這是16號公路的最後一段Hinton到Jasper,景色怡人。這晚,我們在Jasper的Mount Robson Inn過夜。
This’s the last set of the photos of the tour from Calgary to Jasper. Continue reading

【Canada 2014】01-04。洛磯山脈 Rocky Mountains (3) via Kootenay National Park to Hinton

洛磯山脈第三輯:在93號公路調頭後,我們上了11號公路David Thompson Highway,經過Kootenay National Park國家公園,往東走到Rocky Mountain House。然後,走22號公路Cowboy Trail往北到Evansburg,在走16號公路Yellowhead Highway經Hinton到Jasper。
Rocky Mountains part III: from Saskatchewan River Crossing, we took the Highway no.11 first to Rocky Mountain House. Then, we continued with no.22 to Evansburg, and lastly with no.16 to Jasper.

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Clearwater County is a municipal district in Division No. 9 of Alberta.

David Thompson Highway (Highway no.11) 經Kootenay National Park國家公園,沿途景色也很讚。

Kootenay Plains Ecological Reserve.

Woow, river down there, but we didn’t have extra time for adventure.

Continue our way.

11號公路旁的大湖Abraham Lake.

Cline River.

Icefield Helicopter Tour, yeah, this can be considered in my next trip.




Continue with Highway no.22 now.









Almost arrive Hinton.

~。待續 To be continued。~

【Canada 2014】01-04。洛磯山脈 Rocky Mountains (1)

1st of April, we continued our tour to Rocky Mountains. We planned to visit Banff, and then get the 93 Icefields Parkway to Jasper. Continue reading

【Canada 2014】28-03。啟程 Eindhoven,NL to Edmonton,CA

Last week, we visited Canada for a short trip. We flew with Icelandair from Amsterdam to their new destination, Edmonton. The whole flight took about 10 hours including transit at Keflavík International Airport of Iceland. Continue reading