Tag Archives: Miri Marriott

【17返馬】20170729。美里文化剪影 Cultural spots in Miri


This morning, we let Wim and Diny to have their own activities at hotel. In the afternoon, we brought them to Chinese and Hindu temples to explore the multi-cultural society in Malaysia, and last at Miri Public Park for sightseeing. Continue reading

【17返馬】20170728。享受海風 Enjoy the sea breeze


It’s our majesty’s relaxing holiday, thus, the main task of this day: enjoying the sea breeze, and the tropical sea views. Continue reading

【17返馬】20170725。美里萬豪渡假酒店 Miri Marriott Resort & Spa


Miri Marriott Resort & Spa, the Former RIHGA Royal Hotel Miri, is one of the two 5-stars hotels in Miri. This day, we didn’t have any special programs. So, beside a short trip to Bintang Plaza, we enjoyed the whole day at hotel. Continue reading

【17返馬】20170724。美里市景與丹絨海邊 Miri City View & Tanjung Lobang Beach


A relaxing day: gathering with friend in the morning, showing Wim & Diny Miri city view and have a walk at Tanjung Lobang Beach. Continue reading

【17返馬】20170723。親家相見歡 Our parents’ first meet at Miri


Thanks Wim and Diny willing to join our summer holiday in Malaysia, travelling so far to make this family gathering came true. Miri was their first stop for 9 nights. We have arranged 5-stars Miri Marriott Resort & Spa, giving them a relaxing place to recover from jet lag and to enjoy the luxury at tropical seaside resort. Continue reading