Tag Archives: Poring

【17返馬】20170731。亞庇 KK (5) Poring Hot Spring – Butterfly Garden


Back from canopy walk, we’re rushing to visit the butterfly garden immediately before its closing time of 16 pm. Continue reading

【17返馬】20170731。亞庇 KK (4) Poring Hot Spring – Canopy Treetop Walk


Poring Hot Spring是溫泉旅遊區,離神山國家公園總部約40公里。Poring是當地昆達山語一種竹的名稱,因這裡有很多這種竹而成了地名。這園區內可以泡溫泉,還有樹冠吊橋、蝴蝶園等景點。我們在熱帶雨林餐廳享用午餐,公公婆婆不想跑溫泉,我們也興致缺缺,於是決定讓兩老在餐廳看書休息、享受熱帶雨林景觀。我們就去走175米長、40米高的樹冠吊橋,這是巴特第二次挑戰這吊橋,走了幾步後還是放棄了,變成本女士一個人走完吊橋。
Poring is located about 40 km south-east of the Kinabalu Park HQ, and its name comes from a local word for a bamboo species found in the area. Poring is known for its hot spring, and also other tourist spots such as Butterfly Farm, Canopy Walkway etc. We have had our lunch at the Rainforest Restaurant. Then, Wim and Diny decided to reading and relaxing at restaurant, and we went to challenge the canopy walkway. Bart tried this for the second time but he gave up after few steps, thus, I did it alone. Continue reading