20150523。雙人高空跳傘 Tandemjump at Paracentrum Texel

每當看到別人跳傘,都會跟巴特唸唸,說要是我也能跳一次、體驗下跳傘的感覺,那該有多好。於是,去年生日收到了巴特和家人合送的驚喜禮物--雙人高空跳傘。我們挑了五月底的週末,到Texel來個兩天一夜遊,目的就是兌現這份期待已久的夢想。 Everytime when I saw parachute jumping, I would have an idea to try it myself. Last year, I got a surprise from my family for a tandemjump at Texel. This weekend, we arranged a 2D1N trip to Texel and made my dream come true.

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意大利快餐 Happy Italy in Eindhoven

在恩荷芬的市中心,開了家意大利快餐Happy Italy(官網連結)。在朋友的推薦下,我們去過好幾次,挺滿意的,尤其是它的沙拉,意大利麵和批薩,份量大且便宜,上餐速度快,吃不完還能帶走,唯一的缺點是常常要排隊等位子。 Since the opening of Happy Italy (website) in Eindhoven, we have visited this Italian fastfood restaurant for several times. Their food is delicious and cheap. No matter you order salads, pasta or pizza, you can expect a large portion that you, mostly, cannot finish in once. So, they also provide Happy Bag for…

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20150215。魯爾蒙德一日遊 Roermond

巴特這幾年在家最大的愛好就是玩飛行模擬,趁Roermond的Flitesim(官方網頁)有半價優惠,就買了一個小時讓他去試飛Airbus320。去Roermond的那天,正好是嘉年華時節,城裡狂歡氣氛濃烈,辦完正事,就在城區小逛一圈,再到Outlet走走,就結束了短短的一日遊。 Playing flight simulator game at PC is Bart’s hobby for few years already. It’s time for him to fly an Airbus320 with real simulator. Flitesim at Roermond (official website) offered a special price at Social Deal, and we bought a ticket for an hour to try for the first time. When we were in…

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20150101。新年遊園賞燈 China Light Utrecht at de Uithof, Utrecht

在慶祝元旦的當兒,我們到烏特勒支欣賞中國花燈(官方網頁:點此)。這些來自四川自貢的大型花燈,照亮了烏特勒支大學的植物園區,吸引了非常多民眾來遊園。看了許多朋友分享的照片,我也興致勃勃,於是約了家公家婆一起去賞燈,順便讓兩老近距離接觸下花燈文化。 Chinese people celebrate the Lantern Festival at the first full moon of a Chinese new year. China Light Utrecht is an Chinese light festival that has been organised at the Botanic Gardens in de Uithof/Utrecht University (Official website: click here). I have been attracted by the photos of many friends, and decided to visit…

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