Tag Archives: 2015

20150406。復活節農民復古市集 Boeremèrt, Liempde


Every year, there’s Boeremèrt (ancient farmer market) at Liempde in Noord Brabant during 2nd Easter Day. These are the pictures of 2015 version, which I found that I have saved them for 2 years and forgot to post them. Thus, I post them together next to 2017 version, as they are not exactly the same pictures been taken.
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【Barcelona】20150418。巴塞羅納 Barcelona Day 4


The forth day at Barcelona was our last day travelling at Barcelona. We had bought the tickets of 10 am to visit Palau de la Música Catalana, and then continued our tour to Montjuïc Hill to enjoy the views outside of Barcelona, including Olympic Park and castle.
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【Barcelona】20150418。蒙特惠奇山賞景 Montjuïc Hill & Jardins del Mirador


從蒙特惠奇堡壘下山,沿途有許多大大小小的公園,其中以Jardins del Mirador de l’Alcalde最具特色。在這寧靜的公園內可欣賞到巴塞羅納城區和海港景色,園內條條步道都佈滿設計元素,讓人流連忘返。
There are a lots of parks at Montjuïc Hill, surrounding the Anella Olímpica and Castell de Montjuïc. Jardins del Mirador de l’Alcalde is an unique park we have visited, where we could enjoy the great scene of Barcelona and also the design works in the park itself.
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【Barcelona】20150418。奧林匹克公園與蒙特惠奇堡壘 Anella Olímpica & Castell de Montjuïc


Sants-Montjuïc is one of the ten districts of Barcelona. It covers the southern part of Barcelona, where Anella Olímpica and Castell de Montjuïc are located. Anella Olímpica is the Olympic Park of 1992 and Castell de Montjuïc is an old military fortress, built on top of Montjuïc Hill. We decided to have a relax day to visit this area before we left Barcelona. Continue reading

【Barcelona】20150418。加泰隆尼亞音樂廳 Palau de la Música Catalana


富麗堂皇的加泰隆尼亞音樂廳,與聖十字聖保羅醫院(遊記點此)出自於同一加泰隆尼亞現代主義建築師路易·多梅內克·蒙塔內爾(Lluís Domènech i Montaner)之筆,興建於1905年至1908年間,結合多元文化元素,為世界文化遺產之一。
Palau de la Música Catalana is designed by the same Catalan modernist architect, Lluís Domènech i Montaner, as Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (article here). Built between 1905 and 1908, it’s one of the UNESCO World Heritage Site as well of Barcelona. Continue reading

20151219。安特衛普聖誕市集 Antwerpen Christmas Market


[NL] Afgelopen jaren zijn we alleen bij Duitse kerstmarket geweest. Dit jaar gingen we naar Antwerpen om de Belgische kerstsfeer te genieten. Toen we bij de Grote Markt kwamen, wisten we pas dat er een feest is voor 450 jaar bestaat van het stadhuis van Antwerpen. Dus we zijn ook verrast door een lichtshow op het plein.
[EN] We have visited a lot of Christmas markets in Germany already and we decided to visit Belgium Chrismas market this year at Antwerpen. When we arrived the Great Market Square of Antwerpen, we were surprised by the light show of the celebration of 450th annivesary of the City Hall Building.
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20151110。恩荷芬光藝節 GLOW Eindhoven 2015


[NL] De GLOW 2015 in Eindhoven is al voorbij. Dit jaar hebben we een deel van de route in de stad bezocht, en de route bij Strijp-S hebben we helemaal gemist. Vergeleken met andere jaren, GLOW van dit jaar was minder interessant.
[EN] The GLOW 2015 in Eindhoven became a chapter in history already. We have visited a part of the city route only. Compare to previous years, we felt that the show of this year just less interesting without a lot of “WOOW” effects.
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20151107。恩荷芬第三屆粵劇欣賞日 Cantonese Opera Show at CKE, Eindhoven


2015年11月7日,中華文化藝術協會(SCCK)與安多芬藝術中心(CKE)合辦第三屆粵劇欣賞日,受邀為此次活動拍攝特寫照片。雖只略曉粵語,但拍舞台表演還是行的。這屆欣賞日有三場粵劇折子戲演出,分別為:狄青勇闖三關之猜心事、俏潘安之店遇、紫釵記之拾釵結緣,不少唱曲,加上粵劇訓練班的導師與學員合力演出的基本功、扇子功、水袖功,活動圓滿成功。 Continue reading