Tag Archives: 哈巴雪山 Haba Snow Mountain

【China。七彩雲南】20140728。香格里拉虎跳峽 Tiger Leaping Gorge, Shangri-La


Tiger Leaping Gorge, one of the deepest gorge of the world, lying between Jade Dragon Snow Mountain (highest peak 5,596 m) and Haba Snow Mountain (highest peak 5,396 m), about 18 km in length. Jinsha River, or upper section of Yangtze River, flows through the valley. The width of the river is only 30-60 m, arrives here at an altitude of 1,800 m and leaves at 1,630 m height, falling 170m in 7 steeps rapidly. We went to the scenic area at Shangri-La County, at the upper section of Tiger Leaping Gorge.
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