【18台馬澳】20180123。高雄夜景 Kaohsiung at Night

晚上七點半,遊艇從紅毛港準時開回駁二碼頭,半個小時的航程讓我們欣賞高雄港的夜景。回到駁二,我們決定步行回去。途中經過愛河、城市光廊和美麗島站,還有再去東京酒場捧場一下。就這樣,高雄之旅就告一段落,次日北上台南囉。 We departed on 19:30pm from Hongmaogang to Pier-2. The 30 minutes journey has provided us a wonderful sightseeing in night. When we’re back to Pier-2, we decided to go back to our hotel by foot and enjoy the city’s night life on the way (since the wheather was nice). We have visted Love River,…

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【環島逍遙遊】12-08。高雄-愛河夜景-美麗島站 GaoXiong – Love River – Dome of Light

來到高雄,當然不能錯過愛河的夜景。回到高雄市,我們先上壽山忠烈祠那裡鳥瞰市景,然後回到愛河賞夜景,最後在捷運美麗島站為豐碩的一天劃上句號。 The night scene at the Love River (wikipedia) is what you can’t miss in your journey in GaoXiong. After KenDing tour, we went to ShouShan to have a bird view of GaoXiong city. Then we turned back to the Love River to have our dinner and enjoy beautiful scenery. At last, we finished our…

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