Tag Archives: Hongmaogang

【18台馬澳】20180123。高雄夜景 Kaohsiung at Night


We departed on 19:30pm from Hongmaogang to Pier-2. The 30 minutes journey has provided us a wonderful sightseeing in night. When we’re back to Pier-2, we decided to go back to our hotel by foot and enjoy the city’s night life on the way (since the wheather was nice). We have visted Love River, Urban Spotlight and Formosa Boulevard Station again. This’s a great ending in Kaohsiung and we will move on to Tainan the next day.   Continue reading

【18台馬澳】20180123。高雄紅毛港文化園區 Hongmaogang Cultural Park, Kaohsiung


Having these two Gaozi towers face to face at the entrance of the second harbour, this is the unique scene of Kaohsiung Port from Hongmaogang Cultural Park (official website). We have chosen for a half day trip which offered the chance to travel through the busy Kaohsiung Port and relaxing at this cultural park. Continue reading

【18台馬澳】20180123。高雄港景色 Harbour views of Kaohsiung


高雄港是台灣第一、世界第15大港口,原稱打狗港(Takau Port),現有百餘個碼頭(參考維基)。從駁二坐文化遊艇到紅毛港,航程約40分鐘,沿途盡是高雄港的景色。
The Port of Kaohsiung is the largest harbour in Taiwan. This port is also the “Takau Port” in history (wikipedia). Our cultural boat from Pier-2 to Hongmaogang travelled through the port and we could enjoy the harbour views the whole way.  Continue reading