【17返馬】20170801。亞庇 KK (9) 森林步道 Kinabalu Park (Silau-Silau Trail)

面積佔754平方公里的神山公園,涵蓋四個不同的氣候區,從熱帶植物到寒帶植物都有,擁有超過4,500種動植物,為世界上少有的生態研究天堂,亦為馬來西亞第一個被列入世界自然遺產的地方。來神山就算不登山,公園內也有幾條森林步道,讓遊客體驗下神山的生態環境。Silau-Silau步道(黃泥步道)介於海拔1,600-1,700米高,可由高處往低處走到植物園,也可逆向走。因公公行動有些不便,我們讓司機帶他去步道的另一頭休息、喝咖啡,我們三個則跟著Roy從高往低走。值得一提的是,雖然這步道對婆婆來說很具挑戰性,但至今還給婆婆留下了非常難忘的回憶。 Kinabalu Park is the first UNESCO World Heritage Site of Malaysia. It covers an area of 754 square kilometres surrounding Mt. Kinabalu and 4 different climate zones. It’s one of the most important biological sites in the world with more than 4,500 species of flora and fauna, including 326 bird and around 100 mammal…

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【17返馬】20170801。亞庇 KK (8) Kundasang Market – Kinabalu Park (Timpohon Gate)

吃過早餐,我們整裝待發,迎接第二天的行程:上午參觀昆達山蔬菜市場、神山的Timpohon登山口、走Silau-Silau森林步道,下午折返亞庇。 After breakfast, we’re ready for the programs of 2nd day: visiting Kundasang Market, Timpohon Gate and Silau-Silau Trail at Kinabalu Park, and back to KK in the afternoon.

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【17返馬】20170801。亞庇 KK (7) 神山之晨色 Morning Glow of Mt. Kinabalu

第二天,早起看日出。松林渡假村在神山的南面,日出後,先是看到斜陽映照,然後在慢慢地照亮整個神山。我從廣角到長鏡都用上了,就為了把神山拍個仔細。2015年地震,山體受損,還留下許多石壁剝落、落石的痕跡。我們還打算再爬一次神山、爭取攻頂,至於何年何日,還有待計劃。 The next morning, I woke up early to shot the sunrise and morning look of Mt. Kinabalu. Our resort is located at the south of Mt. Kinabalu. The sun shines slowly from side to whole mountain. After the earthquake in 2015, a lot of damages occurred and can be seen by naked eyes. Anyway,…

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【17返馬】20170731。亞庇 KK (6) 神山松林渡假村 Kinabalu Pine Resort

這晚,我們在昆達山的神山松林渡假村過夜。這渡假村位於海拔約1300米高的山區,面向神山,景觀奇佳。晚上用了晚餐後,我們就提早休息了。 This evening, we stayed at Kinabalu Pine Resort (1,300 m), Kundasang. This resort is faced to Mt. Kinabalu, with excellent views of mountain area.

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【17返馬】20170731。亞庇 KK (4) Poring Hot Spring – Canopy Treetop Walk

Poring Hot Spring是溫泉旅遊區,離神山國家公園總部約40公里。Poring是當地昆達山語一種竹的名稱,因這裡有很多這種竹而成了地名。這園區內可以泡溫泉,還有樹冠吊橋、蝴蝶園等景點。我們在熱帶雨林餐廳享用午餐,公公婆婆不想跑溫泉,我們也興致缺缺,於是決定讓兩老在餐廳看書休息、享受熱帶雨林景觀。我們就去走175米長、40米高的樹冠吊橋,這是巴特第二次挑戰這吊橋,走了幾步後還是放棄了,變成本女士一個人走完吊橋。 Poring is located about 40 km south-east of the Kinabalu Park HQ, and its name comes from a local word for a bamboo species found in the area. Poring is known for its hot spring, and also other tourist spots such as Butterfly Farm, Canopy Walkway etc. We have had our lunch…

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【17返馬】20170731。亞庇 KK (2) Tamparuli

離亞庇約半個小時車程的Tamparuli,是我們今天往神山行程的第一站。走過跨越Kiulu河的吊橋,我們到該鎮的中央市集、去看看當地的土產。 On the way to Mt. Kinabalu, Tamparuli was our first stop. We got to pass the Tamparuli Suspension Bridge, a famous bridge across Kiulu River. Then, we ended up at the local market at the opposite. Our guide Roy has given us a tour through the market with some introductions about their local food…

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【17返馬】20170731。亞庇 KK (1) 美里-亞庇 Miri to Kota Kinabalu

離開美里後,我們第一個行程就是亞庇五天四夜遊。為了給公公婆婆個舒適的旅程,我直接選了Amazing Borneo(官網)的兩個配套:神山兩天一夜遊及亞庇出海一日遊。第一天早上,我們六點多從美里出發,經納閩到亞庇。然後,旅遊小巴直接到機場接機,開始神山兩天一夜遊的行程。 Now, we’re going to Kota Kinabalu for a 5 days 4 nights trip. To ensure a relaxing tour for Wim and Diny, we have decided to take tour packages of Amazing Borneo (official website), with combined of a 2D1N Mount Kinabalu Tour and a 1D Islands Tour. This morning, we departed at 6:15…

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