【Barcelona】20150417。聖家堂 La Sagrada Familia (1)

聖家堂,高迪的代表作、巴塞羅納的地標,路過的旅人都會到此朝聖。這教堂預計在2026年竣工,是名副其實的世紀工程,也是世界上唯一還未竣工就被列入世界文化遺產的建築。 La Sagrada Familia, masterpiece of Antoni Gaudí and landmark of Barcelona, is the only UNESCO World Heritage that’s still under construction. I’ve dreamed to see this spectacular church for years and I made it now.

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【Barcelona】20150415。聖十字聖保羅醫院 Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau

興建於1901年至1930年間,由加泰隆尼亞現代主義建築師路易·多梅內克·蒙塔內爾(Lluís Domènech i Montaner)設計的聖十字聖保羅醫院是我們在巴塞羅納參觀的第一個旅遊景點。聖保羅醫院是巴塞羅納聖十字醫院之一,這在二十世紀建立的新院區,以出資的銀行家Pau Gil命名。這是世界文化遺產之一,直至2009年6月才結束它醫院的角色。經過四年的整修,如今是博物館及文化中心,部分建築亦出租給國際非營利組織。 Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (English: Hospital of the Holy Cross and Saint Paul) was the first tourist place that we have visited in Barcelona. This is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, built between 1901 and 1930, and designed by Catalan modernist architect Lluís Domènech i Montaner. It’s one…

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【China。七彩雲南】20140729。德欽梅里雪山(太子雪山) Meili Snow Mountain or Kawagarbo

重頭戲來了,梅里雪山全景。從離開麗江往香格里拉起,我們走的就是著名的三江並流地帶。德欽飛來寺是我們此行最北的目的地,在這可以欣賞梅里雪山(太子十三峰)的美景。 Here we’re, the view of Meili Snow Mountain. Since we left Lijiang to Shangri-La, we entered the Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas. Feilai Temple at Deqin was our northest destination of this journey, one of the best locations to see the great view of Meili Snow Mountain.

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【China。七彩雲南】20140725。束河古鎮與麗江古城 Shuhe Town & Lijiang Old Town

束河古鎮雖小,但可媲美麗江古城。這是這天的最後一站,導遊趕下班,我們只草草地參觀了這古鎮。說實在,這天的行程過於緊湊,若能縮成藍月谷、白沙壁畫和束河,在束河古鎮賞了夜景再回去會更完美說。 Shuhe Town is a small old town with comparable scenes as Lijiang Ancient Town. This’s our last destination of the day.

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【China。七彩雲南】20140725。麗江白沙古鎮與白沙壁畫 Baisha’s Mural & Baisha Town, Lijiang

白沙古鎮是麗江土司木氏家族的發源地,也被稱為納西古王國之都。在宋元朝代,這裡曾是繁榮的政治、文化及商貿中心,如今旅遊業蓬勃發展,鎮上新穎的建築還不斷地在建,殘留下的歷史古蹟就以大寶積殿的白沙壁畫成了最重要的旅遊景點。我們在鎮上的納西餐廳吃了午餐,就去參觀傳統的納西手工刺繡。這家族世襲精傳刺繡的手藝,繡出來每一件作品都像細膩的工筆畫。然後再去參觀白沙壁畫,及在文昌宮的木氏土司歷史文化展。 Baisha (White sand) Town is one of the oldest towns in Lijiang. It’s the earliest settlement of Naxi people and the birthplace of the Mu Family which has ruled Lijiang in 14th century. Nowadays Baisha Town is famous with Baisha’s murals (more info: click here). We had our lunch here at a Naxi’s restaurant,…

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【China。七彩雲南】20140724。麗江古城 Lijiang Ancient Town

麗江古城,又名大研鎮,是座歷史悠久、沒有圍牆的古城,已被列為世界文化遺產之一。城裡四處小橋流水,街上不是商店,就是餐廳酒吧,再來就是客棧酒店。這裡大多數店家都有漢字和東巴象形文字的招牌,英文招牌名字就別太認真看,有的全是漢語拼音,有的翻譯得讓人搖頭,不然就是讓人笑掉大牙。房子建築方面,外觀極有古味,屋頂的懸魚多為單魚或雙魚,還有很多東巴圖騰的大小木雕藝術品等等,讓人駐足欣賞的東西實在太多。所以,我們在古城裡不知不覺就逛了幾個小時,直到夜深了才打車回酒店休息。 Lijiang Ancient Town, or Dayan Town, is one fo the UNESCO world heritages with more than 800 years history. In this beautiful old town, we met everywhere something that represents local culture, mainly Dongba culture, such as buildings, decorations, woodcrafts, arts, music etc. We spent hours, till late evening, to enjoy the beauty of…

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