Tag Archives: 麗江古城 Lijiang Ancient Town

【China。七彩雲南】20140801。昆明-吉隆坡 Kunming to Kuala Lumpur


Last chapter of our 12 days Yunnan journey!
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【China。七彩雲南】20140727。重遊麗江古城 Back to Lijiang


After our tour to Lugu Lake, we had to overnight at Lijiang, then continued our journey to Shangri-La. And, of course, we went to visit Lijiang Ancient Town again.
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【China。七彩雲南】20140725。束河古鎮與麗江古城 Shuhe Town & Lijiang Old Town


Shuhe Town is a small old town with comparable scenes as Lijiang Ancient Town. This’s our last destination of the day.
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【China。七彩雲南】20140724。麗江古城夜景 Charming Night Scenes of Lijiang


In evening, Lijiang Ancient Town turned into colourful looks. The night scenes were so fascinating and charming at every corners, cheering up the people to enjoy the nightlife in this beautiful town.
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【China。七彩雲南】20140724。麗江古城 Lijiang Ancient Town


Lijiang Ancient Town, or Dayan Town, is one fo the UNESCO world heritages with more than 800 years history. In this beautiful old town, we met everywhere something that represents local culture, mainly Dongba culture, such as buildings, decorations, woodcrafts, arts, music etc. We spent hours, till late evening, to enjoy the beauty of this wonderful town.
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【China。七彩雲南】20140724。麗江黑龍潭公園 Jade Spring Park, Lijiang


After lunch, we went to Jade Spring Park to have a walk. Jade Spring Park, also named as Black Dragon Pool Park, is a part of Lijiang Ancient Town. This pool collects water from Yulong snow mountain and is the main water source of Lijiang Ancient Town.
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