Tag Archives: 維也納 Vienna

【13夏】08-07。奧地利維也納 Vienna, Austria (1)

Vienna is the capital of Austria, rich with cultural and historical elements.
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【13夏】07-07。因斯布魯克往維也納 From Innsbruck to Vienna

這天,我們橫跨奧地利,從因斯布魯克往維也納,路程約550公里。我們選擇前半段路程走次道,悠哉地享受阿爾卑斯山脈的自然美,途中經過了Speicher Durlaßboden蓄水湖及有Krimmler大瀑布的 Hohe Tauern國家公園。
This day, we travelled across Austria, from west to east, about 550km. We took the secondary road for the 1st part of our journey, driving through the mountain area,  Speicher Durlaßboden and Hohe Tauern National Park.

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