【China。七彩雲南】20140726。瀘沽湖與神秘女兒國 Lugu Lake & The Women’s Kingdom

來到秀麗的瀘沽湖,讓我們對神秘的女兒國有了進一步的認識。瀘沽湖位於雲南省與四川省之間,湖邊的居民以摩梭人為主。摩梭人屬母系社會,女性當家,男不婚、女不嫁,有走婚的習俗。我們因第二天得提早啟程回麗江,遊瀘沽湖的行程就只選了坐豬槽船遊湖及晚上的篝火晚會。雖然沒有環湖,錯失了好些景點,但還是不虛此行,收穫不少。 During our visiting at Lugu Lake, we learn more about the real Women’s Kingdom. Lugu Lake is located on the border between Yunnan Province and Sichuan Province. The main inhabitants here are Mosuo people, who still remain their traditional culture and matriarchal society structure. There are no marriage and women play a main role in…

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