【China。七彩雲南】20140726。摩梭傳統篝火晚會 Mosuo Traditional Bonfire Party

是晚,我們用了晚餐之後,就去參加當地的摩梭傳統篝火晚會。如今,篝火晚會成了收費的觀光表演節目,家家戶戶都派年輕人來參與表演,讓來瀘沽湖的遊客現場感受摩梭人的民俗風情。以前,篝火晚會是年輕男女開始走婚的途徑之一。在跳舞的當兒,阿哥可以趁著拉手的機會,輕摳心儀的阿妹的手心,阿妹若也有此意,就回摳阿哥的手心,晚會後,阿哥阿妹可以相約到阿妹的花樓談情說愛。現代的阿哥阿妹都有手機,要傳情通訊應該是比老一輩的人來得方便多了。 In the evening, we went to Mosuo bonfire party. This’s a party for single men en women, not only dancing and singing round the fire, but also to look for their partner. During dancing hand in hand together, a man would scratch the hand palm of a woman gently and secretly to send his…

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【China。七彩雲南】20140726。瀘沽湖與神秘女兒國 Lugu Lake & The Women’s Kingdom

來到秀麗的瀘沽湖,讓我們對神秘的女兒國有了進一步的認識。瀘沽湖位於雲南省與四川省之間,湖邊的居民以摩梭人為主。摩梭人屬母系社會,女性當家,男不婚、女不嫁,有走婚的習俗。我們因第二天得提早啟程回麗江,遊瀘沽湖的行程就只選了坐豬槽船遊湖及晚上的篝火晚會。雖然沒有環湖,錯失了好些景點,但還是不虛此行,收穫不少。 During our visiting at Lugu Lake, we learn more about the real Women’s Kingdom. Lugu Lake is located on the border between Yunnan Province and Sichuan Province. The main inhabitants here are Mosuo people, who still remain their traditional culture and matriarchal society structure. There are no marriage and women play a main role in…

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【China。七彩雲南】20140726。麗江-瀘沽湖 Lijiang to Lugu Lake (1)

接著的五天,我們大部分時間都在路上,翻山越嶺,往海拔高度越來越高的目的地前進。因適逢雨季,許多路段塌方中斷,我們每天得繞遠路、走更險峻顛簸的山路。幸運的是,我們平安地走完每一段路程,也有緣欣賞更多迤邐的景色。26日,我們從麗江往寧蒗瀘沽湖去參觀高原湖泊和女兒國(摩梭文化),27日原路折返麗江,因省道有塌方,我們得繞鄉道,還得在12-14點之間經過阿海電站附近的施工地帶,時間抓得緊,沿途沒什麽停車休息,但風景超讚,尤其是綠油油的梯田,讓人驚嘆這蓄水造田的智慧和它造就的景觀。 The coming five days, we were travelling to higher and higher destinations. Due to raining season, many main roads were broken by landslides, and we needed to spend more time on the secondary or county roads to reach our destinations. But, to be honest, the scenics of the alternative ways were even more interesting…

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