Everytime when I saw parachute jumping, I would have an idea to try it myself. Last year, I got a surprise from my family for a tandemjump at Texel. This weekend, we arranged a 2D1N trip to Texel and made my dream come true.
在荷蘭有幾家跳傘中心,其中一家Paracentrum Texel(http://www.paracentrumtexel.com/)就在Texel特塞爾島上。雙人高空跳傘是體驗跳傘的最簡單方式,無需經驗,無年齡限制,只要有勇氣都能一試。這次帶著我跳傘的是英籍的教練Alex,還有攝影師Liam。出發前十五分鐘,地勤人員給予簡單的解說,穿上裝備,就能上陣。跳傘前,身上的安全扣都和教練扣在一起,戴上眼鏡,就緒了。這趟只有四對雙人跳傘,大家都有自己的攝影師跟拍,我們是最後一對。雙手扶著胸前的肩帶,從飛機上晃出來(就是教練前後晃了三次後離開飛機),短短兩三秒就完全適應在高空中的感覺。在九千尺的高度跳下,以每小時兩百公里的速度墜落,耳邊只有風聲在叫囂,感覺真的難以言喻。當教練拍拍肩膀後,就能放開雙手自由擺動。這時攝影師就近在眼前,對著鏡頭我還真的笑得自然又興奮,不過三十秒的自由墜落很快就結束了,教練打開降落傘,瞬間被托高,然後開始滑翔。教練讓我一起操控滑翔的方向,轉左轉右、往上往下,好玩極了。安全降陸後,情緒還是高亢得很。如果不是跳一趟很貴,我應該會隨時再去跳一次說。
Paracentrum Texel (http://www.paracentrumtexel.com/) is located at Texel Island of the Netherlands. Tandemjump is the most easiest way to make a skydive, without experience and limitation of age. I made my very first tandemjump with Alex, a British master, and photographer Liam. 15 minutes before on board, I got a simple briefing from staff and put on the jumping suit. In flight, Alex has hooked me with him together and then we’re ready to jump from 9000ft. After leaving the plane, I used few seconds to get use that I am in high sky. Then Alex gave the signal to free my hands and Liam was just in front of us with big smile. The feeling of free fall was so fastastic and hard to decribe in words. The 30 seconds’ free fall passed and the parachute has been opened. Alex gave me the chance to drive the parachute together, turn left, turn right, go up and move down, wonderful!! Finally, we’re landed safely in front of camera. This’s a TOP experience and I would try it, for sure, again in future.
Birthday present of 2014.
We’re really for boarding.
Going to jump.
Yes, we left the plane at 9000ft height.
照片是往島的南邊,Den Helder的方向(也就是坐渡輪來的方向)拍的。
In photo is south of Texel Island.
Drop to 8000ft already.
Tried to be closer…
Ok, see you later.
Right bottom is Texel Airport. We’re going to land at the round spot just left to the “M” of MiriSusanna.
We’re coming.
Only need to lift my legs, Alex would make the prefect touch on ground.
Yes, large smiles for a great memory!
Video record:
We’re also travelling at Texel at the same day, but five years ago. (23-05-2010 Texel)